Monday, March 16, 2020

Kim Reynolds is Drunk Again

Governor Drunkard wants to close schools across Iowa for 4 weeks because a handful of old folks got sick on their cruise and self-quarantined?

How long with the Sheeple of Iowa put up this bullshit?

I've never seen anything so insane in my life.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Coronavirus Bullshit News in Iowa

Archive link:

Let's be perfectly clear:  the "Coronavirus" hype is all about:

  1. Keep you looking at the Fake News Media 24/7 and in a panic mode.
  2. So they can sell advertising now that the media's billionaire sugar daddies Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg have dropped out.
  3. Always having something to blame Trump and Pence.
  4. Blue cities wanting to get billions from the Feds now that Trump may get to cut off money from the blue Sanctuary Cities.
  5. Lefty virtue signaling.  The lefties will cancel school and events because they want a vacation and have the Feds pay for their time off.  Because lefties are fucking lazy.  Since it's virtue signaling, the lefties will convince YOU that YOU need to follow their lead, so it has a cascading effect, you stupid fucking lemming.
  6. An attempt to tank the roaring Obama Trump economy.
  7. Keep that crooked crackhead Hunter Biden out of the headlines.
  8. Suppressing Trump rallies.
  9. Suppressing Bernie rallies.

Because who the fuck is going to a Joe Biden rally?


Also notice how all these articles talk about "a man" and "a woman" and they never tell you that the person in question is a Chinese National or some other foreigner.

Or an illegal alien.

It's like when self-described "niggas" shoot each other, but the media holds out as long as possible before telling you that "a man" is actually a black man who has an arrest record a mile long and who was given a million chances by Democrat judges and was an aspiring rapper with three babies on the way.  Then an exploiting cunt like Rekha Basu can go around and write a sympathetic article about it all so she can blame The Jews or Whitey or Republicans for the 2nd Amendment.