The 2020 Democrat Agenda (Incomplete For Now)

1) Open borders
2) Abolish ICE
3) Switch from Constitutionally controlled republic to Socialism
4) The Green New Deal
5) Government funded abortions for all
6) Abortions up to the point of birth and infanticide after
7) Increased taxes
8) Elimination of the 2nd Amendment
9) Overhaul of the 1st Amendment
10) Free healthcare for illegal aliens
11) Free college education for all
12) Free healthcare for all
13) Male to female trans abortions rights
14) Voting age lowered to 16-years-old
15) Felons voting from prison
16) Free childcare
17) Guaranteed income even for those unwilling to work
18) Government eliminating all current student debt with tax dollars
19) Expansion (packing) of the Supreme Court
20) Elimination of the Electoral College
21) Reparations for blacks
22) Reparations for gays and lesbians
23) Forced busing of school children
24) Bribe young adults into national service with taxpayer funds
25) Pushing constant racial division
26) End tax exemptions for churches whose doctrine on traditional family contradicts the LGBT Agenda

Did I miss anything?  I'm sure I did.

27) Criminalizing the Republican Party
28) Elimination of prisons
29) Prosecution of thoughtcrimes
30) Newspapers are the judge, jury, and executioner of "cancel culture"
31) Banning gasoline-powered vehicles
32) Teaching children in public schools how terrible America is
33) Legalized pedophilia
34) Federally subsidized recreational marijuana for the poor
35) Shipping your jobs overseas at the behest of giant corporations

and much more insanity

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