Sunday, August 7, 2022

Todd Dorman is Mentally Ill


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Homeschooled kids aren't having a mass hysteria of "transgender" mental illness.

It's always the kids in public schools.

The Cedar Rapid Gazette's Todd Dorman wants everybody to leave those poor tranny kids alone so they can continue to beat actual girls in women's sports and shower with them with their junk out.

What else can we conclude?  Todd Dorman is Mentally Ill.

And if you disagree with Todd Dorman, he will trash you by invoking Trump, Tucker Carlson, and "white replacement theory".  Because only Democrats are good and smart and caring!  

Meanwhile, you have all the "house negros" running Iowa City calling each other "coon" and the white libtards can't make up their mind whether that's a good thing or not.  

But keep voting Democrat!

Guess what?  The Democrat Libtard groomers running public schools want gender replacement.  They want "fluidity".  They want a generation of drugged up freaks.

And like any groomer, they don't want the kids saying anything to their parents.

Don't say Anything!

Parents aren't on a "need to know" basis what the groomers at schools are doing.

The groomers, like the ones Todd Dorman caucuses with, want mental illness normalized and expanded.

This is child abuse.

Todd Dorman supports child abuse.

Dorman thinks he has the high moral ground here, and he's constantly virtue signaling about it.  But the only way he can make his point is by slurring Republicans as "racists" or classifying parents as ingrates.  

To me, he just comes off as a cheerleader of perverts and child abusers.

It makes me wonder what sort of sick depravity is on his hard drive.

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