Monday, January 20, 2020

Iowa Democrats Axne, Finkenauer, and Loebsack Support the Independent Contractor-Killing Bill HR 2474

It's bad enough that Iowa Democrats Cindy Axne, Abby Finkenauer. and Dave Loebsack all want to replace high-paying US high-tech jobs with low-wage foreign workers or outsource them overseas in their support of HR 1044, but now we know that the same three Democrats are co-sponsors of HR 2474, the "PRO Act", which was amended in December 2019 to include essentially a copy and paste of California's AB5, which has destroyed independent contractor employment.

Red State (archive link) recently reported on the amending of HR 2474.

You can see Axne, Finkenauer, and Loebsack are all co-sponsors (archive link).

Why do Democrats hate American workers?

It's because they ate America.

And why isn't the Iowa media reporting on this?

Because the Iowa media are the Democrats' lapdogs.  Butt-boys.  Stenographers.

These Democrat politicians are tools of the unions and the chamber of commerce who want excessive profits for multi-national corporations by destroying the American middle class.

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