Tuesday, February 4, 2020

University of Iowa Graduate and Former CNN Show Host Reza Aslan is a Fucking Asshole

After Rush Limbaugh announced that he had "advanced lung cancer" on February 3, 2020, University of Iowa graduate and former CNN show host Reza Asslan tweets this:

When a shitstorm erupted, Reza doubled down: 

What a fucking asshole.  What a fucking douchebag.

Did you see anything in the Iowa Corporate Media about this?  Absolutely not.

Reza Asshole attended the University of Iowa in the early 2000s.  He managed to get a speeding ticket during his time here.  Bit of a lead foot.  He was busted for going at least 16 to 20 mph over the posted speed limit.

He was also ticketed for having no car insurance, but it was later dismissed.

I'm sure Reza Aslan never listens to Limbaugh.  It's one thing to disagree with Limbaugh's take on events, but to call him a "purveyor of hate and racism" is insane.

What examples, Reza Asshole, do you have of Limbaugh being a "purveyor of hate and racism"?

Reza is a lunatic.  A liar for radical Islam and pretending to be a Christian.  Read all about Reza Asshole's stupidity at Jihad Watch.

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