Thursday, August 6, 2020

How the Media Lies about COVID-19 Hospitalization Rates

It's impossible to dissect and critique the amount of fake news coming from the media in Iowa.  Their reliance on "positive tests" for screaming panic headlines to impose ridiculous personal restrictions knows no bounds.

A good example is this chart from the NCHS from June 6th.  It's a couple months old, but it's back when there were a lot of hospitalizations.

It looks bad if you can't read a chart or figure out context.

What this chart says is that anybody 85+, including those with comorbidities (organ transplant, heart & breathing problems, type II diabetes, morbidly obese, etc), had a 5 in 1000 chance of being admitted to the hospital for COVID.

If you take out all the people with comorbidities, then the number surely drops by 90% or more.  So if you're over 85 years old, in OK shape, have sufficient Vitamin D3 and Zinc levels, then your chance of ending up in the hospital due to COVID is in the neighborhood of 0.25 and 0.5 out of 1000.

Here's another example.  People 18-29 years old, including those with comorbidities, have a 0.27 in 1000 chance of ending up in the hospital.  Take away those with comorbidities and the odds of ending up in the hospital due to COVID are likely 90% to 95% less, or somewhere between a 0.027 and 0.013 in 1000 chance.

What a fucking joke.

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