Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Johnson County Iowa Facial Covering Ordinance and Exemptions

The Johnson County Board of Health approved a county-wide face diaper mandate there, so it will go back to the Johnson County Board of Stupidvisors for it's inevitable approval today or tomorrow.

If you read the ordinance, it's almost the same as the bogus Iowa City Mayor's order, and it provides for exemptions:

I would urge anybody in Johnson County to use the exemption in 3.03.D:

Anyone who has been told by a medical, legal, or behavioral health professional not to wear face coverings.

The great thing about this exception is that you don't have to get angry if somebody confronts you.  Just say you have a medical exception as outlined in the ordinance and leave it at that.  Don't say anything else.  You don't have to tell anybody anything.  You don't have to produce any medical or legal documentation.  You don't have to say who told you to say that.

Print off a copy of the ordinance and have it in your car or on your person at all times.  If a store doesn't know the exceptions to the ordinance, you can quickly school them.

The general public, however, might turn into "Karen Stasi" in Johnson County.  Just be careful.  Don't argue with anybody.  Nobody wins in a fight.

It looks like the ordinance will try to impose criminal penalties of a simple misdemeanor, but that's only if the police or sheriff are called and you act like an idiot.  I doubt law enforcement wants to issue any tickets.

How long will it last?  The ordinance last until either the Governor's disaster proclamation ends or the Johnson County Board of Health decides, whichever is later.  

How cute.  The Johnson County Board of Health thinks they can keep a mask mandate going forever.

I feel sorry for everybody in Johnson County.  Those Democrats are the biggest bunch of mentally ill Fascists on the planet.

Those who have to put up with this bullshit must regard themselves as the French did during Nazi occupation in WW2 in the Zone Occupee.

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