Sunday, July 24, 2022

There Might Have Been Voter Fraud in Johnson County Iowa in 2020

Somebody emailed me:

"I live in Iowa City and drive around town every day.  In the past year, I've only seen three Biden or Biden-Harris bumperstickers on cars.  There are no Biden signs in yards or windows.  Sometimes I still see the occasional Bernie 2016 or Andrew Yang sign.

Nearly every gas pump has either "I Did That" sticker remnants or people writing FUCK BIDEN in Sharpie markers.  I've never seen anything like it.

That got me thinking.  How many votes did Biden get in Johnson County in the 2020 election?  How many votes did Hillary get in 2016?  And how many Obama in 2012 and 2008 when he packed the Pentacrest?  I looked it up."

I had to look it up to confirm it.  

Meanwhile, you have gaslighting assholes like Fat Todd Dorman of the Groomer Gazette saying that voter fraud doesn't exist.

Drumroll, please.

2020:  Joe Biden, 59,177 votes

2016:  Hillary Clinton, 50,200 votes

2012:  Barack Obama, 50,666 votes

2008:  Barack Obama, 51,027 votes

Dorman and others in the media want us to believe that Joe Biden got 9000 more votes in the general election in Johnson County than Hillary Clinton or even Barack Obama.

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