Monday, January 20, 2020

Iowa Democrats Axne, Finkenauer, and Loebsack Support the Independent Contractor-Killing Bill HR 2474

It's bad enough that Iowa Democrats Cindy Axne, Abby Finkenauer. and Dave Loebsack all want to replace high-paying US high-tech jobs with low-wage foreign workers or outsource them overseas in their support of HR 1044, but now we know that the same three Democrats are co-sponsors of HR 2474, the "PRO Act", which was amended in December 2019 to include essentially a copy and paste of California's AB5, which has destroyed independent contractor employment.

Red State (archive link) recently reported on the amending of HR 2474.

You can see Axne, Finkenauer, and Loebsack are all co-sponsors (archive link).

Why do Democrats hate American workers?

It's because they ate America.

And why isn't the Iowa media reporting on this?

Because the Iowa media are the Democrats' lapdogs.  Butt-boys.  Stenographers.

These Democrat politicians are tools of the unions and the chamber of commerce who want excessive profits for multi-national corporations by destroying the American middle class.

Friday, January 10, 2020

ISU President Wendy Wintersteen is a Fucking Idiot

Archive link:

Iowa State University's "racist chalkings" are definitely hoaxes.

You know how I know they're hoaxes?  Because racialist agitators in the media like Robbie Sequeria failed to use the word "alleged" in their stories.

So what does ISU's President Wendy Wintersteen do?  She bans free speech.
The university implemented an interim policy on Nov. 11 to limit chalking, a popular practice in which students write political commentary and slogans in chalk on the sidewalks of the campus in Ames, Iowa. Only registered student organizations will be permitted to chalk under the policy, and messages can only advertise upcoming events and consist of the organization’s name and the location, time and title of the event -- in no more than seven words. 
The university said that chalking that does not meet the guidelines would be erased and the students or groups who violate the policy punished.
The College Democrats at ISU put out a statement that said, in part:
"Iowa State does not have a free speech problem -- we have a white supremacist problem."
College "Democrats" are always liars and assholes.  They consider any Republican or any Trump supporter to be a "white supremacist" because they judge people on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, and they support legal immigration and not open borders.

The Democratic Party has always had a racist history, whether it's been supporting slavery, supporting Jim Crow, supporting Plessy v Ferguson, supporting Woodrow Wilson, supporting Korematsu, supporting eugenics, supporting segregation, supporting forced busing, and now it's all about trashing "white people" in order to keep their political power base and creating hoaxes like Jussie Smollett and the hoaxing Hamad sisters in Iowa City.

There's been a lawsuit filed about the ISU restrictions on free speech:
Speech First filed a lawsuit against the university on Jan. 2 and requested a preliminary injunction on Jan. 6 to challenge three of Iowa State’s policies and practices: the chalking restrictions, a 2012 policy that prohibits using university email addresses to “solicit support for a candidate or ballot measure” and the university’s Campus Climate Reporting System, which is used to respond to incidents of bias. In the lawsuit, the Washington, D.C.-based organization argues the university's definition of a bias incident -- speech seen as “demeaning,” “taunting,” “bullying,” “verbal harassment or “intimidation” -- is a "content-based and viewpoint-based restriction."“Iowa State and its officials have created a series of rules and regulations designed to restrain, deter, suppress, and punish speech concerning political and social issues of public concern,” the lawsuit states. “And they do so despite Iowa’s central role as the ‘first in the nation’ to weigh in on presidential primary elections. The university’s policies plainly violate the First Amendment.”
What is it with so-called "liberals" on university campuses who always want to restrict free speech?  Whether it's this or the case of Melissa Shivers, the former University of Iowa Vice President for Racism and Bigotry, who got paid $284,000 a year to harass Christians.

Democrats hate the United States.

Democrats hate free speech that doesn't agree with their latest agenda.

Democrats hate the Constitution.

Democrats love harassing people.

And the media, because it's all run by Democrats, agrees.