Thursday, November 21, 2019

News Stories of recent Iowa State University "Racist Incidents" are all missing the word ALLEGED

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Nowhere in Robbie Sequeira's article in the Ames Tribune does it say that the "racial incidents" at ISU involving  are ALLEGED.

How often are there any "racial incidents" of significance that weren't hoaxes?

Did anybody ever figure out who did the "racist graffiti" at the University of Iowa library just a day after a nearby Church of Satan hosted a "White Privilege 101" film screening?

What about the hoaxing Hamad sisters in Iowa City in 2016?  The Iowa City Police never got around to figuring that one out, even though every other similar incident at the time was discovered to be a hoax.  That, and the Hamad sisters (Raneem and Lujayn) were getting stories placed in the New York Times and Washington Post and ABC News by CAIR about separate alleged minor incidents of somebody saying something at West High, all of which had no evidence.  Taqqiya, for sure.

It was earlier in 2016 when Marcus Owens admitted to fabricating "racial violence" in Iowa City.  Before it was revealed to be a hoax, the media and university crowd were going crazy.

We can go back to 2000 when Tarsha Michelle Claiborne sent racist emails to the University of Iowa College of Dentistry.  The media went bonkers then, too, believing that racist boogeymen were just outside, ready to bomb the campus.  Duck and cover!

Then there's that French actor and the thing that happened in Chicago earlier in 2019.  I'll let Dave Chappelle tell you about it.

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