Friday, November 1, 2019

Iowa State University's "Racist Chalkings" Are Definitely Hoaxes

Des Moines Register story archive link:

ISU Daily story archive link:

Oh look!  More examples of Commie activists trying to gin up hatred by writing "racist" chalked slogans around the ISU campus and passing it off to the Des Moines Register as a real story.

Seriously, who does this?  Nobody in their right mind would do something like this on a college campus, even just to tweak the angry craptivists.  Can you imagine the shitstorm?  Democrats and those championing illegals and terrorists would be calling for All White People to be lynched and the Death Penalty to be reinstated.  The Register would probe into every corner of the accused's family and friends, happily smearing anybody. 

Funny how all these hoaxes started after Donald Trump got elected President.  And how nearly every example around the county has been determined to be a hoax.

The most enduring hoax in Iowa seems to be the one that happened in Iowa City in 2016, likely crafted by the Commie activist Hamad sisters and their parents, and promoted by CAIR in conjunction with the Leftist Corporate media, and with a wink and nod by the deep blue cabal of politicians, prosecutors, and police in Iowa City and Johnson County.

I'm surprised the Register didn't have Steven Gruber Miller write this story, seeing how he had a byline on the Hamad sisters' hoax when he worked for the Press Shitstain.  I guess everybody has to get some training at the Register on how to write Fake News.  That "creative writing" degree doesn't pay the bills any other way.

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