Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Why I Archive Nearly Every News Link I Post

My posting activity has been down lately.  I haven't had a lot of time to pay attention to the shitty news all over Iowa.  I can jump back in at any time and see all the insanity.  Someone sent me this video from Styx yesterday and it's perfect advice for bloggers and even just people sharing links:

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Zerlina Maxwell and Van Jones Say Iowa Is Racist Because It's 90% White

MSNBC babbler and SiriusXM host Zerlina Maxwell (archive link) and CNN moron Van Jones (archive link) blame the Iowa Democrat Caucus debacle on the racial makeup of the state.

Fuck you both.

University of Iowa Graduate and Former CNN Show Host Reza Aslan is a Fucking Asshole

After Rush Limbaugh announced that he had "advanced lung cancer" on February 3, 2020, University of Iowa graduate and former CNN show host Reza Asslan tweets this:

When a shitstorm erupted, Reza doubled down: 

What a fucking asshole.  What a fucking douchebag.

Did you see anything in the Iowa Corporate Media about this?  Absolutely not.

Reza Asshole attended the University of Iowa in the early 2000s.  He managed to get a speeding ticket during his time here.  Bit of a lead foot.  He was busted for going at least 16 to 20 mph over the posted speed limit.

He was also ticketed for having no car insurance, but it was later dismissed.

I'm sure Reza Aslan never listens to Limbaugh.  It's one thing to disagree with Limbaugh's take on events, but to call him a "purveyor of hate and racism" is insane.

What examples, Reza Asshole, do you have of Limbaugh being a "purveyor of hate and racism"?

Reza is a lunatic.  A liar for radical Islam and pretending to be a Christian.  Read all about Reza Asshole's stupidity at Jihad Watch.

Iowa Democrats Show How Incompetent They Are

I'm not surprised the Iowa Democrat Caucuses were a disaster.

The handful of Democrat caucuses I have attended in years past, no matter the city or precinct I was in, were generally poorly run events.

If you add technology to the Democrat caucus mix, like reporting numbers via an app, it's just not going to work.  All those bloated 70-something union dementia patients don't know how to use it. 

Then you have to factor how incompetent Democrats are at building apps.  They're either going to outsource the coding to the cheapest Indians on the planet, or it'll be done by somebody high up in the Politburo who is skimming off contract profits and uses her nephew or cousin as labor.

Look, the Democrats at the Des Moines Register can't even conduct a poll properly.  It seems like the only thing the Iowa newspapers can do is create fake news about hoaxes in order to make Trump or Republican looks bad or shit all over people doing good things.

Meanwhile, the Republican caucuses, which didn't have to be held, were super efficient.  I can't wait to read Trump's tweets today, which is something I never do.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Out On The Road Today, I Saw A Bernie Sticker On A Cadillac

NBC Calls Bernie's Rally of 3000 in Cedar Rapids "Massive"

Archive link:  http://archive.ph/d3Rvh

Can you imagine if President Trump showed up and only 3000 people were there in an area that normally holds 8600 for concerts?
That's what happened Saturday night in Cedar Rapids.

And the weather was pretty good for the start of February.

NBC News called the turnout MASSIVE.

Really?  3000 in a 8600 capacity arena is massive?

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Des Moines Regsiter's Iowa Poll Left Out Pete Buttfucker's Name

Archive link:  http://archive.ph/LMPmS

We've known for decades that the Des Moines Register poll is bullshit and exists solely as a way to influence public opinion.

But like everything else the Des Moines Register does or is involved with, particularly under evil dumb fuck Carol Hunter's reign, they can't help but screw it up.

This time around, they left Pete Buttfucker's name off the list of possible candidates that poll respondents had to choose from.

Can you imagine how long it took to conduct the poll even without mentioning Pete Buttfucker's name?  It had to be hours.  All those candidates.