Saturday, October 12, 2019

Iowa Newspapers Won't Criticize the Des Moines Register Over the Carson King Hit Piece

This post was created from a tip by a reader.  Email your tips to

So what happened after the whole Carson King / Aaron Calvin / Carol "Cunter" Hunter atrocity occurred because Aaron Calvin's "hit piece" on Carson King in the Des Moines Register?

Carol "Cunter" Hunter tried to "Newsplain" her position on approving the digging of old, forgotten teenage dirt on Carson King that was entirely unrelated to the good things he's doing today, and then tattling on him to Anheuser-Busch, and then writing a drive-by hit piece that everybody was pissed off about.  Carol Hunter is a CUNT.  She is evil.  She is what's wrong with modern "journalism".  This click-bait, muckraking bullshit "cancel culture" we see today.

Over at the Cedar Rapids Gazette, I missed a couple of articles and columns about the situation, but they do a good job of illustrating what a bunch of fucking assholes and cunts Adam Sullivan, Vanessa Miller, and, hell, all "journalists" are these days.

Short answer:  By not criticizing Aaron Calvin's hit piece on Carson King, or Carol "Cunter" Hunter's "newsplaining", where in the comments basically everybody was angry at Aaron Calvin and Carol "Cunter" Hunter, it seems that "journalists" across the State of Iowa LOOK FAVORABLY at what happened.  THEY FUCKING AGREE with Aaron Calvin digging up unnecessary dirt on Carson King, tattling on him to Anheuser-Busch, and then making excuses for being a bunch of fucking pricks.

Remember...... Carson King's charity was for the CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL.  These fucking assholes in the media were TRYING TO DESTROY IT and CARSON KING.

Let's start off with Adam Sullivan, from the Cedar Rancid Gazette, who claims to be a "conservative", but in reality he's a fucking fraud, a liar, a charlatan, and a phony.

If you look in his opinion piece, published on September 26, 2019 (archive link), you'll see that he tries to compare the Carson King story to that of Kirkwood professor Jeff Klizman, which I'll get to in a minute.

In both the Adam Sullivan piece, and the Vanessa Miller article I'll soon profile, both of these fucking assholes front-load their writing with how Carson King's old Tweets were "racist", but without quoting them or referencing the context.  Those of us with brains in our heads know that quoting and providing context are kind of important.  Just tar somebody forever with the "racist" brush, Adam & Vanessa.  Now, in the future, every time you write an article about Carson King, or his charity, you can drop in the "racist Tweets" angle.  That's because you're a fucking piece of shit.

As the person who sent me these articles pointed out:  How hard would it have been for Aaron Calvin or Carol "Cunter" Hunter to quietly mention the old tweets to Carson King and give him time to clean that stupid shit up?  And to not tattle on him to Anheuser-Busch.  And to not put that bullshit in the article.  HOW HARD WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN?  IT WAS A FUCKING CHARITY FOR THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL IN IOWA CITY.  I'm sure the news media look at all the negative publicity and reaction and thinks it's a good thing that people were upset and donated more money to Carson King's charity, and no doubt they'll try to take credit for it.  Fucking arrogant assholes.

Back to Sullivan's mention of Jeff Klinzman (Klinzman search on this blog).  Sullivan says that Klinzman was fired for his "leftist political views", and that's it.  Adam Sullivan makes no mention that Jeff Klinzman WANTED GENOCIDE AGAINST ALL CHRISTIANS and to "BURY THEM DEEP" as well as committing violence against President Trump.

So, to a fake conservative like Adam Sullivan, stupid jokes you wrote on Twitter as a 16 year old are "racist", and thus it seems Sullivan and other "reporters" will be able to slur Carson King as a "racist" his entire life and probably after he dies.  But if, as an adult, you advocate genocide against Christians, and want to kill or cause violence to President Trump, you're merely guilty of having "leftist political views".

Meanwhile, Vanessa Miller had an article published in the Cedar Rancid Gazette on September 29, 2019 (archive link) where, like Adam Sullivan, she front loads it by slurring Carson King as a "racist"  without examples or context, and mentions nothing about the ethics of the Aaron Calvin story of the Carol "Cunter" Hunter newsplaining followup.

Sure, Miller runs to ISU journalism professor Michael Bugeja, or cribs from Bugeja's blog and a podcast he was on, but Bugeja and Miller simply dance around the issue.  Mostly, they refer to Aaron Calvin's past (and fairly recent) tweets as "racist" and "obscene".

What is the barometer for being slurred with being a "racist" these days, Vanessa?  Merely using the word "NIGGA" or "NIGGER" as a white person in a humorous way?  THAT'S "racist"?  REALLY?  Shut up, you fat cunt.

As much as I despise Aaron Calvin's reporting, his tweets never rose to the level of being "racist", in my opinion.  Merely dropping "nigga" or "nigger" isn't enough.  If anything, most of them were gay jokes, and yet there's no mention of his tweets being "homophobic" or "anti-cop".

Worst of all, Vanessa Miller through Michael Bugeja, seem to be the kind of people who blame the rape victim because her skirt was too high above the knee.  

It's like they're saying:  "If you hadn't posted that stupid shit as a kid, we wouldn't be able to harass you for the rest of life as a 'racist'."  No talk about how that shit was not needed in the article.  No talk about how they should have alerted Carson King.  No talk about how the Register shouldn't have tattled on King to Anheuser-Busch.  No talk condemning Carol Hunter for her news-plaining.


Because Adam Sullivan and Vanessa Miller and pretty much every other "reporter" working for a large corporate newspaper in the state of Iowa would do the very same thing as Aaron Calvin and Carol "Cunter" Hunter.

These people are malcontents.  They're evil.  They're deplorable.  They're fucking scumbags.  They're assholes.  They're cunts.





Do not talk to "the media" ever.

Don't subscribe to newspapers.

Don't watch the evening news.

Don't watch any of the corporate alphabets.

"Reporters" these days are several notches below that of child molesters.

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