Thursday, August 6, 2020

How the Media Lies about COVID-19 Hospitalization Rates

It's impossible to dissect and critique the amount of fake news coming from the media in Iowa.  Their reliance on "positive tests" for screaming panic headlines to impose ridiculous personal restrictions knows no bounds.

A good example is this chart from the NCHS from June 6th.  It's a couple months old, but it's back when there were a lot of hospitalizations.

It looks bad if you can't read a chart or figure out context.

What this chart says is that anybody 85+, including those with comorbidities (organ transplant, heart & breathing problems, type II diabetes, morbidly obese, etc), had a 5 in 1000 chance of being admitted to the hospital for COVID.

If you take out all the people with comorbidities, then the number surely drops by 90% or more.  So if you're over 85 years old, in OK shape, have sufficient Vitamin D3 and Zinc levels, then your chance of ending up in the hospital due to COVID is in the neighborhood of 0.25 and 0.5 out of 1000.

Here's another example.  People 18-29 years old, including those with comorbidities, have a 0.27 in 1000 chance of ending up in the hospital.  Take away those with comorbidities and the odds of ending up in the hospital due to COVID are likely 90% to 95% less, or somewhere between a 0.027 and 0.013 in 1000 chance.

What a fucking joke.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Johnson County Iowa Facial Covering Ordinance and Exemptions

The Johnson County Board of Health approved a county-wide face diaper mandate there, so it will go back to the Johnson County Board of Stupidvisors for it's inevitable approval today or tomorrow.

If you read the ordinance, it's almost the same as the bogus Iowa City Mayor's order, and it provides for exemptions:

I would urge anybody in Johnson County to use the exemption in 3.03.D:

Anyone who has been told by a medical, legal, or behavioral health professional not to wear face coverings.

The great thing about this exception is that you don't have to get angry if somebody confronts you.  Just say you have a medical exception as outlined in the ordinance and leave it at that.  Don't say anything else.  You don't have to tell anybody anything.  You don't have to produce any medical or legal documentation.  You don't have to say who told you to say that.

Print off a copy of the ordinance and have it in your car or on your person at all times.  If a store doesn't know the exceptions to the ordinance, you can quickly school them.

The general public, however, might turn into "Karen Stasi" in Johnson County.  Just be careful.  Don't argue with anybody.  Nobody wins in a fight.

It looks like the ordinance will try to impose criminal penalties of a simple misdemeanor, but that's only if the police or sheriff are called and you act like an idiot.  I doubt law enforcement wants to issue any tickets.

How long will it last?  The ordinance last until either the Governor's disaster proclamation ends or the Johnson County Board of Health decides, whichever is later.  

How cute.  The Johnson County Board of Health thinks they can keep a mask mandate going forever.

I feel sorry for everybody in Johnson County.  Those Democrats are the biggest bunch of mentally ill Fascists on the planet.

Those who have to put up with this bullshit must regard themselves as the French did during Nazi occupation in WW2 in the Zone Occupee.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The George Floyd Bodycam Footage

Color me surprised.

"George Floyd" is another mostly-lie.

Just like the "hands up, don't shoot" Ferguson lie.

Just like "Trayvon Martin", who thought George Zimmerman was a queer.

And kind of like "COVID-19".

So where does everybody go to get back their burned and looted businesses?

Are white people now not entirely "systematically racist"?

Should we continue to "defund the police" so white or mixed commie thugs can terrorize everybody on the taxpayer's dime?

What about all the charges that were dropped or reduced by Democrat prosecutors and judges against rioters?

How about all our ruined sporting events with endless virtue signaling by athletes, coaches, and team owners?

What a fucking joke.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Erin Murphy Tries to "Mask-Splain" by citing the corrupt Lancet

Last week, this blog was out of state and on vacation.  

In the email sent last week, a fan of this blog forwarded an exchange he had with Erin Murphy, the dimwitted "reporter" for the corrupt "Gazette-Lee" monopolies.

Murphy responded back a couple of time with links to various recent "studies".  One of which was the corrupt Lancet-published "study" on masks.  Lancet is such a fucking fraud.  Over 20 years ago they published that "vaccines = autism" lie that they knew was a lie and it took them forever to retract it.  Then earlier this year they got caught with a bogus "study" purposefully designed to have hydroxychloroquine fail and to get bad headlines.  Some of the others weren't even controlled studies.  They were analysis of bogus data from various states that did have a mask requirement vs not having a mask requirement.  That's not even "scientific".

Austin Baeth

It makes sense that a useful idiot like Erin Murphy would publish Dr Mengele, I mean Dr Gestapo, I mean Dr Hitler Youth Austin Baeth's plea for a mask mandate and never question Baeth on his bullshit that a mask requirement is based on "science".

This blog has repeatedly pointed out that Austin Baeth is a commie since he's part of the Des Moines New Leaders Council.

The New Leaders Council is a "progressive" non-profit, funded by Soros and all the usual hard lefties.  You can go out to their web site and read all about it.  It's basically a commie organization.  The media draws from this certified pool of hard leftists.  It's easy to connect the dots.

Poor Austin Baeth.  He couldn't get Iowa "locked down", so now he's pleading to lock everybody down with a mask requirement, likely backed up with the threat of costumed people with guns and the power to cage and shoot you if you don't comply.

This is why you can never trust any Democrats ever again.  They're constantly trying to ruin the economy, impose tyranny, and fuck everything up.

Has anybody looked into how many of Austin Baeth's patients have "died" from COVID?

This is a guy who has been to Africa, the Middle East, and India, and seen malaria patients, and he isn't aware of hydroxychloroquine + zithromycin + zinc?  He never mentions it in any of his press events.

Stop thinking that "doctors" are somehow pristine and pure and interested in the truth.

Austin Baeth is a fucking asshole.  A liar.  A partisan propagandist.

Commie Doctor Austin Baeth Now Wants A Statewide Mask Mandate

What quacks like a Hitler Youth?
Archive link

Look who is back in the news, Commie Dr Austin Baeth, the Hitler Youth-looking fascist asshole who wants to destroy Iowa.  This time by having a face mask mandate in the entire state.

Erin Murphy, one of the most retarded "reporters" in the state, and that's saying something, was the willing ass-licker who wrote about it.

Earlier this year, Baeth wanted the entire state shut down.

You know what Baeth never talks about?  Hydroxychloroquine.  Even though he's been to Africa and Middle East countries and has seen malaria patients.  It is almost guaranteed that he's taken some kind of anti-malarial in the past.

But because Baeth is Commie First and Doctor Second, you're not going to hear anything about it.

Wearing a mask is not rooted in science.  You're a fucking liar, Baeth.