Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Curious Case of Dr Austin Baeth and WOI Reporter Rachel Droze

I thought I'd dip my toe back in the waters to see how badly the media was acting in Iowa and it didn't take long to come up with a story on WOI TV by Rachel Droze about how a Des Moines doctor, Austin Baeth, was encouraging Governor Kim Reynolds to lock the entire state down.

When Cindy Axne and Abbe Finkenauer were doing the same thing recently, I thought something smelled bad.  These are the same treasonous bitches who were busy in January and February trying to impeach President Trump for nothing.  They're also the same treasonous bitches who want H1-B visa holders to take jobs away from Americans and to completely destroy gig economy workers.

The Totalitarian Left want the US economy destroyed in order to remove President Trump.  They want anything that sounds like Martial Law imposed on the citizens.  They want people out of work.  Desperate.  Broke.  Suicidal.  All because (mostly) a bunch of really old people with underlying medical conditions are falling ill and a very small percentage are dying.

Who is Dr Austin Baeth?  Other than looking like a recruitment poster for Hitler Youth.  (remember, the Nazis were Socialists)

Dr Austin Baeth is in the Des Moines New Leaders Council.  What is the New Leaders Council?
New Leaders Council (NLC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that works to recruit, train and promote young progressive leaders ranging from elected officials and civically-engaged leaders in business and industry. 
NLC's main objective is in "recruiting emerging leaders from outside of the traditional power structures, engaging them on both local and national levels, and equipping them to be civic leaders – not only for elective office, but also in their communities and workplaces."
There you go.  Progressive Hitler Youth.

These people get primed by the media.

Dr Austin Baeth was also featured on ABC News during the caucuses, complete with photo.
"It's through fear that people lose their humanity. Really, we would love everybody if we weren't afraid of people who were different from us." Dr. Austin Baeth shared his views from his office in Des Moines. "Fear mongers natural tactic is to highlight fears or drawing people who are different from their electoral base."

Classic projection and hypocrisy.  "Progressives" are completely unwilling to listen to anybody outside of their approved echo chamber.

I wonder if Dr Austin Baeth thought President Trump was "racist" for trying to stop the flow of Wuhan Virus cases from flying into the United States from China in late January? 

I do know that Dr Austin Baeth couldn't get worked up emotionally when visiting the Dachau Concentration Camp in 2007 because all the tears were drained from him when he watched Schindler's List.  (seriously?)

Oh yes, Austin Baeth has a Live Journal blog about his travels from 2007 to 2012.  We've saved a few pages.  It's fucking hilarious.

Like when he went to Ghana in 2012.  So he knows about the treatment of malaria.

I'm sure he also knows about the various off-brand uses and trials of hydroxychloroquine alone and in combination with other drugs to treat the Wuhan Virus.

But was Dr Austin Baeth interviewed about any of that by Rachel Droze?  Oh no, he wasn't.  Why is that?

Dr Baeth, you've been all over Africa, the Middle East, and India.  You know about malaria.  You've seen the cases there.  I'm fairly certain that you were taking chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine tabs along the way and have read the recent successes with it for treating the Wuhan Virus.  How come you're not talking about that?

Is it because it's been working and President Trump was saying hopeful, optimistic things about it?

What else do we need to know about Dr Austin Baeth?

In the mid 2000s, he was a City Council liaison from the University of Iowa for the City of Iowa City.  The City of Iowa City's politics is ruled by various flavors of Communists, Progressives, and Socialists.

Dr Austin Baeth was also a precinct captain in the recent caucus for Pete Buttigieg, the red diaper baby.

And he's an owner or partial owner of Papa Keno's pizzeria near Drake University.

Just recently, Dr Austin Baeth started an online petition to have Governor Kim Reynolds issue a "stay at home" order.  Because that's how wannabe totalitarians roll.

Funny how Rachel Droze didn't mention any of Dr Austin Baeth's political background in her article.

That's how the media rolls.  They won't tell you the back story.

And how did Rachel Droze get hooked up with Dr Austin Baeth?  It seems that the totalitarian wannabe "progressives" and the media always know each other.

We'll be keeping an eye on Dr Austin Baeth in the future.  When he shows up in the news again, which he will, we'll be picking the target, freezing it, and personalizing it.  Same with Rachel Droze.

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