Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Insane Iowa Democrat Terrorist Media Obsessed With Positive Covid Tests

I rarely look at the major newspapers or TV news sites in Iowa anymore because the amount of disinformation and propaganda being pushed is crazy.  

The endless emphasis on "positive" COVID tests and the ongoing panic reporting from that data is little more than a psychological terrorism campaign against the people.

I was looking at various weather sites around Iowa yesterday during the snow storm, and came across this one from WUnderground in Johnson County that said the county has had 30 coronavirus deaths.  That's 3 a month since the start of the year.  Hardly a pandemic.  We don't even know the age or comorbidity breakdown of those who died, but I can guess it's mostly the very old and the very sick.  But if you read the Press Shitstain, the Cedar Rancid Gazette, KCRG, KGAN, or other area corporate media outlets it's like the bodies are being stacked up in the streets and bars which is not the case.

Let's remember what the media has told us in the past.

First of all, there are no randomized, controlled studies demonstrating that "face masks" prevent the transmission of viruses, even though there have been many studies over the years.

Second, what did we do in the past?  

During H1N1 in 2009, nobody wore masks and we were advised that it didn't matter, which was the truth.  

We also stopped testing and didn't freak out and cancel everything.

Today?  We have fat mayors issuing all sorts of illegal mandates and Iowa Attorney General, Democrat Tom Miller, not doing shit about it.

So much for the state motto:  "Our liberties we prize, our rights we will maintain"

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