Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Lab Coat Tyranny in Iowa



These two guys are perfect examples of "Lab Coat Tyranny" in Iowa.

On the left is Dr Austin Baeth of UnityPoint in Des Moines.  He's got his "Hitler Youth" good looks and his Commie Cred as being part of the New Leaders Council, which is a lamestream media filtering device for trusted komrades.  Baeth is obviously a Leftist Authoritarian Asshole first.

Dr Baeth has blogged about going to Africa, the Middle East, and India, and seeing malaria patients.  Surely he has taken hydroxychloroquine or some quinine variation in his travels, and yet he never talks about this medicine, or any other medicine as a treatment of COVID.  No mention of preventatives like Vitamin D3, either.

When Governor Kim Reynolds did not issue a lockdown order, this dickhead kept going to the news media pushing for one.  Now we have even the UN saying that the lockdowns were a mistake!

Dr Baeth has been pushing a mask mandate on all Iowans, even though there are zero controlled studies showing the effectiveness of masks.  We also have past media reports during H1N1 (2009) and H3N2 (1968-1969) where doctors said masks didn't work.  

And still the media run to Dr Baeth as if he's some sort of "expert".  He only graduated med school in 2012.

Same thing with Dr William G. McBride, the Iowa Dental Board chairman, pictured on the right.

And you'll be charged extra for all the PPE.  Anything to extract more money from the customer!

Have you ever heard of Dr McBride or the Iowa Dental Board?  Despite the bald head, he's only 36 years old, and he's been on the Dental Board since 2015 when he was about 30 or 31 years of age.  He wasn't out of university or residency (in Virginia) long when he was appointed to the board.  Why so quick?  

These kinds of people have a thirst for power.  They get on these boards and they issue their mandates, rulings, edicts, and other bullshit.

While McBride has donated to a Republican candidate for a minor office in Cascade, Iowa, in the past, that candidate was a dentist.  Otherwise, it's probably easy to guess McBride's main political affiliation since he lives in Iowa City in Goosetown with his "partner".  Sometimes these kinds of people throw a few dollars to a "Republican" to appear bi-partisan on paper.  They use that one forever even though they're flaming Commies.

All of these kinds of people should be suspect.  The independent media should dig into their past, archive it, and question them.

A decade or so ago it was discovered that the Iowa Judicial Nominating Board was comprised of almost all Hard Left Democrats.  Why wasn't it politically balanced?  Then the Democrats howled and whined about how it was "unfair" that Branstad wanted the board more politically balanced.  Because Democrats are a bunch of sneaky, power-mad assholes who ruin everything.

It could be worse.  We could ruled by a drag queen or two:

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