Friday, February 23, 2018

Hide The Child Criminals in Iowa

It wouldn't surprise me if the Democrat Libtards running Iowa's big city schools, school districts, police & sheriff departments, county attorneys, and the IAG all have a policy of not reporting student crimes in order to keep the student conviction rate artificially low.  Anything to keep the criminal kids in school and that tax money flowing.

Just like Broward County schools, district, and Sheriff's department did with that high school that got shot up recently.  How many times did the cops get called on Nikolas Cruz?  A lot.  How many times did school officials do nothing over the years?  Likely a ton more.

You know that a lot of "kids" arrested for increasingly major crimes as teenagers either don't get charged, take probationary deals, and use the revolving door of the parasitic Welfare-Industrial Complex that's set up to enrich activist libtard lawyers and socialist workers whose livelihood depends on a certain amount of criminality, all paid for by your tax dollars.  The same tax dollars that pay for the psychotropic drugs pumped into kids that pay for advertising in those papers and on the TV stations owned by the papers' parent companies.

Don't expect the corrupt corporate media to look into this.  Those "reporters" are all bleeding heart Commies who worship the religion of Leftist government and can't wait to take guns away from all the people who didn't do it - and by force, if necessary!

You think The Des Moines Register's David Chivers, Carol Hunter, Lynn Hicks, or Andie Dominick give a shit about the rights of The People to know what our officials are doing to hide the child criminals in Iowa?  Hell, no!

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