Sunday, February 25, 2018

Democrats Argue That Primary Rigging Is Protected By The First Amendment

From Disobedient Media:

The ongoing litigation of the DNC Fraud Lawsuit and the appeal regarding its dismissal took a stunning turn [Friday]. The defendants in the case, including the DNC and former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, filed a response brief that left many observers of the case at a loss for words.
The document, provided by the law offices of the Attorneys for the Plaintiffs in the case, Jared and Elizabeth Beck, and appears to argue that if the Democratic Party did cheat Sanders in the 2016 Presidential primary race, then that action was protected under the first amendment.
This doesn't surprise me.

The "Democratic" Party is a criminal organization. 

Hillary's people cheated in the 2016 Iowa Caucus, that's for certain, and I always thought that Bernie Sanders was in on the whole scam just to make Hillary look "centrist". 

That Bernie took off was a result of Hillary always being a shrill, annoying cunt who was surrounded by pervs and freaks.

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