Monday, February 19, 2018

Libtard High School Kids in Iowa City Blame the NRA for School Shootings

Look who made the news again.  It's the "Trump Hate Note" hoaxer Lujayn Hamad. 

This time, Lujayn and others were ditching school on Monday, going to downtown Iowa City, chanting, and blaming the NRA for the latest school shooting.

What a bunch of ignorant little fascists.

Tell me, Lujayn and others.  Even if you got the 2nd Amendment removed, or guns "banned", how are you going to get the guns?  Are you going to trample on the 1st Amendment if we express dissent with your views?  Are you going to trample on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 9th Amendments in order to achieve your goal of confiscation?

That wouldn't happen because Civil War would break out.

Isn't it interesting how the Press-Citizen's Aimee Breaux and Andy Davis were right there at West High when Lujayn left school with her megaphone? 

Somebody had somebody's number.

That's how "journalism" is done these days.  The "activists" and the phony "reporters" work together.  They're all on the same side.  They're komrades.

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