Sunday, February 18, 2018

Jason Noble of the Des Moines Register Thinks The Russians Meddled in the Iowa Caucus

Jason Noble of the Des Moines Register has to be the stupidest political "reporter" ever.

Either that, or everybody working under Carol Hunter is psychotic.  Which is probably true.

According to that crooked piece of shit Robert Mueller, who is looking to get another $10 million from Congress to keep chasing "nothing burgers" and indict people in countries who can't be extradited, some Russians supposedly bought Facebook ads in August 2016 alleging that the Hillary Clinton campaign was engaged in fraud during the Iowa Caucuses several months prior.

Everybody knows that the Hillary Clinton campaign engaged in fraud with the Iowa Caucus.  You won't hear that from Bob Becker.  You definitely won't hear that from Matt Paul.  Go ahead and quote them anyway.

Driving around any part of the state in late 2015 and early 2016, you'd see hundreds of Bernie signs before you saw a single Hillary sign.  So how did Hillary Clinton win?  Fraud, of course.

Noble fails to mention in his bullshit fake news story that Mueller needs more money to keep his investigation going.  Even though there is nothing!  The Steele dossier is bullshit!  Paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign!

This is par for the course from all the newspapers in Iowa.  Hillary = Good.  Trump = Russian Hitler.  Yawn.  It's so fucking retarded.

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