Thursday, August 8, 2019

Iowa City Press-Citizen: Carol DeProsse and Caroline Dieterle's Slurs and Calls for War

Original article archive link:

Carol DeProsse is an old Commie cunt and has been a regular contributor to the decline of the Iowa City Press Shitstain for decades. 

Writing with Caroline Dieterle, she punches all the phony buttons that Gannett wants about Trump's "racism" and still believes that Russia interfered with the 2016 election.  Which means Carol DeProsse and Caroline Dieterle are batshit crazy lunatics who shouldn't be near weapons, small children, or Republicans.

The column is mostly a love-hate relationship with brain-damaged pervert Joe Biden.  It demonstrates, like all partisan Commies, that they will hold their nose and vote for any old creep as long as they have a (D) behind their name.

The final paragraph:
However, if Biden should win the nomination, voting for him and electing him will be vital to avoid the horror of re-electing the disastrous incumbent and facing a fascist takeover similar to that of Hitler’s in 1933. The Electoral College is unchanged, making it necessary to win most of the states that Trump won, including Iowa. If the dark cloud that hovers in the Oval Office is re-elected the result will be continued obliteration of the progress toward pride in the country’s diversity and the acceptance of the inherent worth and dignity of all. Not since 1861 has the existence of the United States’ Constitutional government been so threatened.

You want to go war, Carol?

You're calling us Nazis and Fascists?

Fuck you. 

And fuck the Iowa City Press-Citizen for printing this hateful bullshit.

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