Monday, April 27, 2020

Commie Doc Austin Baeth Now Getting Quoted by KCCI TV

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Look who made a return to the central Iowa "news" airwaves.  It's Commie Dr Austin Baeth, with his "Hitler Youth" good looks and his leftist credentials hidden by KCCI's Todd Magel.

Baeth sure is on the Speed Dial of every local TV news whore.  How does one get such stature?  Is it being involved in the America-hating, commie front group New Leaders Council?

Just a few weeks ago, Dr Baeth was advocating that Governor Drunkard shut the entire state down using her dictatorial powers.  She didn't, although she unnecessarily ruined the economy by issuing daily directives.  Meanwhile, a few people died.  Most were in nursing homes and already had other conditions.  And some people got sick, mostly illegal aliens working at meatpacking plants.

At the time, the Commies, and by that I mean Pete Buttfucker precinct captains like Baeth, wanted the entire USA economy destroyed with essentially martial law based on bullshit "models" from the UK.  Wink Wink.  All the Democrats and the assholes in the media were whining about how everybody had to Cower In Place and the entire country needed to be shut down and the Deplorables Scrubbed.

Now, knowing that the whole thing was an overblown farce, Baeth, being the Good Commie he is, changes his tune and wants everybody tested.

He's a doctor.  He's an EXPERT.  Don't question him.  Because "science".

Has anybody asked Dr Baeth about his time in Africa and the Middle East?  Surely he's taken hydroxychloroquine or some kind of anti-malarial drug during his travels.  Baeth has written about seeing patients in African hospitals who had malaria.

No, no, no.  "Reporters" like KCCI's Todd Bagel aren't smart enough to do any research on their Commie plants aka Dr Baeth.  Bagel has his agenda and he has his pre-screened Commie operative doctor for a quote.  That's how the news gets made these days.

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