Friday, April 3, 2020

Media Diet

I saw part of Drunky McReynolds' briefing today.

Not bad.

Do deaf people not have closed captioning on their TVs?

I'm glad she's resisting declaring Martial Law or whatever.

And she's talking about returning to normal life.

First question from the media:  "Why haven't you locked down the entire state like Dr Fauci said and other states are doing?"

Typical Leftist media.  They want the economy DESTROYED so that Biden or some other Democrat will get elected and so their monopolies can survive.

They don't care about the suicides, at least until later when terrorist-supporting cunts like Rekha Basu and others can exploit it to sell used car ads and blame Trump retroactively forever.

You don't want to know what I really think should be done to most of the corporate media and all these "modeling experts" and other dickheads.

The media, especially, are vile dickheads.

Did we do any of this in 2009?

1968-1969 during the Hong Kong Flu?


I'm asking, for a friend.

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