Saturday, April 4, 2020

Our Liberties We Prize, Our Rights We Will Maintain

No links.  It's too infuriating to read the Iowa news.

The media, run by a bunch of amoral asshole Democrat partisans, keep pushing the governor to be like most other states and issue wannabe martial law.

Now the Iowa Board of Medicine, whatever that is, chaired by a cardiologist from Carroll who was a Pete Buttfucker precinct captain, wants wannabe martial law.

The Democrat freak show that is the Johnson County Board of Supervisors wants wannabe martial law.

Democrats Cindy Axne and Abby Finkenauer, who were busy pushing their coup attempt a couple months ago, want the governor to impose wannabe martial law.  I haven't checked Democrat Loebsack but I can guess.

Axne, Finkenauer, and Loebsack all co-sponsor that bill to bring in more H1-B workers to replace American workers.

Axne, Finkenauer, and Loeback all co-sponsor that bill like California AB5, which destroys gig economy workers all across the country.

Democrats want everything shut down forever, or at least until they can Biden or somebody installed so we can permanent stimulus money printing.  They only want mail order and big box stores open, which is counter to what they preach about buying local.  Now we see Democrat-run states and counties and cities across the US that are trying to dictate what those stores can sell when a state has wannabe martial law.

I've heard the same thing from Fauci and Birx, but those two are nerds in the spotlight who don't understand economies. 

Democrats understand economies.  They hate economics.  They want the economy destroyed.  They want America more like China or Cuba or Venezuela.

Sweden, which Democrats usually love, is ignored.  Sweden isn't forcing it's countrymen to cower in place with wannabe martial law.  Not yet, anyway.

I am surprised at how many alleged free-thinking people acquiesce to the government and media.  Two more weeks!  Then let's move the goal posts another two more weeks!  We can't have any deaths ever!  Nobody can get sick!  The entire world must grind to a halt.  We can print more money.

Government employees are going to get paid.  The teachers.  The university professors and administrators.  The paper pushers.  It's easy for them to give up.  They have contracts.  They are the laziest crybabies on the planet.  Fuck you.  You don't work, you shouldn't get a paycheck.  How quickly would their opinion change if you took away their paychecks?

Meanwhile, young people are having their lives destroyed because mostly old people with numerous conditions are getting sick and would died during H1N1 in 2009, the Hong Kong Flu of 1968, or the Asian Flu of 1957, and any of the other smaller flus along the way.

We'll see the suicide rate go up. 

"Flatten the curve" is sloganeering bullshit.  Just because Sonny Cuomo can't run his state properly doesn't mean that every county in Iowa should be shut down.

As for cures, we hear the media and the Democrats in Nevada and Michigan completely dismiss and try to outlaw the HCQ/HCQS treatment that is working.  Oh no no no, we must have double blind 18 month studies on a drug that's been around for 70 years.  Why are they saying that?

And all the hate from the media against Trump. 

Can you imagine what would be happening if Hillary was President? 

No, she wouldn't impose real martial law.  You would barely know anything was going on if Hillary was President.  The only people talking about the Wuhan Virus would be people like Alex Jones or some guy who broadcasts on shortwave radio.  They could be easily dismissed as conspiracy theorists.

This looks like a coordinated effort by the Left to destroy the economy under President Trump.

When you look at who is saying what, it all makes sense.

This is war. 

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