Monday, April 27, 2020

Rekha The Cunt Basu Still Wants Everything Shut Down

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When are we going to deport that Anti-Semitic, bomb-throwing, America-hating, Illegal-embracing, smelly Indian cunt Rekha Basu?

Can't we just put her up in a helicopter, push her out the door, and she can fly back to her shithole country on her magical evil broom?

I haven't checked into the Widow Borsellino's columns for a while, but they're about what you'd expect.  Like any leftist partisan cunt, she wants the economy destroyed because of made up shit.

Isn't it terrible that the slaughterhouses are dirty, full of LOW WAGE ILLEGALS, and nobody has protection?

Fuck you, Rekha Basu.  Fuck you Des Moines Register.  Fuck you, all media outlets who have advocated for importing slave labor illegals from south of the border.

I have no problem with $5 a pound ground beef.  If that's the price I have to pay for not having murderous beaners roaming the countryside, it's worth it.

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