Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Cedar Rapids Police Chief Wayne Jerman: Just Another Pro-Open Borders Democrat Pig

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What's the first thing you notice about Cedar Rapids Police Chief Wayne Jerman?  Other than he looks like the late comedic actor Tim Conway.

Jerman likes to wear his badge with that "blue line" covering it.  The "thin blue line" iconography is symbolic bullshit for modern day corrupt gang members known as the police.  If you see those "thin blue line" US flags, stickers, or imagery on shirts, you must understand that the person involved is definitely a corrupt asshole.

Also keep in mind that Jerman spent over three decades policing and moving his way up the ladder in Montgomery County, Maryland, which is about as deep blue as it gets.  The last county executive who wasn't a Democrat left over 4 decades ago.  Everything is run by the Democrats.

With all that in mind, Jerman recently had a guest column published by his Leftist komrades at the Cedar Rancid Gazette where he promoted how great DACA was for illegals.

No mention about how the invaders and illegals who bring their kids here are constantly exploited.  

Some illegals exploited by "coyotes" on the route to the US border, who extort money and rape women and children.

Some illegals are exploited by employers who pay under minimum wage or "under the table" or provide unsafe working conditions.  Or employ children like the Rubashkins did in Postville.  If the illegal gets out of line, there's always the threat of calling ICE.

What about all the innocent Americans, alive or dead, who are the victims of identity theft by illegals and their employers?

The Catholic Church, along with other religions, exploits illegals.  The child-fucking priests want their 10%.

All the drugs that are brought in.  All the diseases.

Then there are the violent criminals, like Cristhian Bahena Rivera, the murderer of Mollie Tibbetts.

Wayne Jerman says nothing about that.  It's a huge by-product of letting in illegals.

And what about all the immigrants and visa holders who do it the proper way?  They didn't jump the border.  They applied for citizenship.  They did the work to become a citizen.  How do you think they feel?

Jerman is just another pro-open borders Democrat pig.

Why is this anti-American asshole running a police department in Cedar Rapids?

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