Saturday, December 21, 2019

Marie Belle Kelly of Norway, Iowa, is an Insane Liar and the Cedar Rapids Gazette Repeatedly Prints Her Letters

Marie Belle Kelly of Norway, Iowa, thinks it's OK to send "fake news" letters to the Cedar Rapids Gazette, who dutifully prints them with regularity.

Here are some examples.

Thursday, December 19, 2019:  The Senate Must Vote To Remove the President.  Archive link: - excerpt:
The senate, is allowing the president to betray his oath of office and endanger our national security by asking a foreign power (Ukraine) to interfere with a presidential election that benefits himself and not hold him accountable.
How do you analyze that pile of lies?
  • The President has the right to conduct foreign policy.
  • President Trump is not violating his oath of office.
  • President Trump is not endangering our national security.
  • President Trump is not asking Ukrainian leaders to interfere with a presidential election.  He wanted to find out why that Joe Biden and Barack Obama threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine a few years ago unless a prosecutor looking into the company that crackhead Hunter Biden was appointed to so he could have money for crack, alcohol, and strippers.
Don't take my word for it.  Listen to Joe Biden himself:

This isn't the first pack of lies that Marie Belle Kelly has had printed in the Cedar Rapids Gazette.  

You see, this is what newspapers do these days.  They pump out FAKE NEWS on the opinion page by printing all sorts of unedited bullshit from readers that they know is full of lies and crap.  

Why even have an Opinion Page editor if all you're doing is operating a conveyor belt of bullshit from angry Leftist partisans?

Let's continue with other Marie Belle Kelly letters in the Cedar Rancid Gazette.

On Friday, October 4th, Marie Belle Kelly had another letter printed in the Gazette.  This was headlined Abuse of Power Means It's Time To Impeach.  Archive link: and an excerpt:
a whistleblower came forward with a claim of wrong doing, which the Inspector General says is of urgent concern. By law this report shall be turned over to the congress. It was reported that the president withheld payment from Ukraine unless they dug up dirt on Hunter and Joe Biden.
Trump was asking foreign power to interfere with our 2020 election for his benefit.
You mean the "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella who is not actually a whistleblower, but a partisan operative who never actually heard the phone call?

Marie Belle Kelly can read the text of the phone call (archive link: )  It's been available since September 25, 2019, nine days before her letter was printed.  Why wouldn't the Editor of the Cedar Rapids Gazette, Zach Kucharski, not notice that Marie Belle Kelly's letter was full of lies and partisan bullshit and not print it?

Zach Kucharski, the executive editor of the Cedar Rancid Gazette

A final example is of a letter by Marie Belle Kelly and published by the Gazette on May 17, 2019, headlined Is The President Above Our Laws?  Archive link: - here is a first excerpt:
As president, he wants no restrictions placed on his authority to govern. That’s why he’s ordered the White House not to turn over documents to the Congress and ordered his aides to ignore subpoenas to testify before congressional committees.
Does this dumbfuck Marie Belle Kelly, or Kucharski, know anything about Separation of Powers?  The White House doesn't have to abide by those subpoenas.  Nothing would ever get done if Congress could endlessly subpoena the Executive Branch.

This letter appeared long before the bogus ruling last month by Obama "judge" Ketanji Brown Jackson in the McGhan case, which is still being sorted out.
Our country is heading for a constitutional crisis. We are losing our democracy because of a president I believe is compromised by Russia. But I don’t blame Trump, I blame the people who voted for him.
Back in May, it was Russia.  Now it's the Ukraine.  What will it be after that?

Marie Belle Kelly doesn't blame Trump, even though she does.  She blames us "deplorables" who voted for him. 

Somebody get her a straight jacket.  She's insane.  

Why is the Cedar Rapids Gazette printing the letters of a lunatic who is wearing a tinfoil hat and believes every bullshit conspiracy theory about President Trump?

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