Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Iowa Caucus Will Be For Nothing

Let's be honest, Iowans, the Democrat caucuses will be for nothing.  Here's why.

Hillary Clinton goes on the Howard Stern show.  Why would she do that?

It's going to be a brokered convention.  

Hillary shows up and accepts the nomination.  Democrats will have to vote for Hillary.  Again.

Where do you think the Super Delegates are going?

They're not going to Bernie Sanders.  Ever!

Hillary sees where this shitty field is going.  Hell, the criminal cunt probably put the rest up to it in order to make her look "centrist".

Do you really think Buttfucker is going to be the nominee?  

Or Joe Biden?

You'll have nothing but a split caucus and divided primaries from here to Super Tuesday and beyond.

Hillary didn't like hanging out with the "little people" and campaigning.  Nobody showed up to any of her events.  She was too busy collapsing on camera with the media covering up for her.

What about the Jeffrey Epstein case?

Cackle, cackle, cackle!!!  Somebody get her on Jimmy Fallon or Seth Meyers or Jimmy Kimmel or Trevor Noah or The View so they can lick her ass!  Laugh about how you didn't have Jeffrey Epstein killed.

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