Friday, December 6, 2019

Joe Biden to Iowa Farmer: "I Used to Fuck Guys Like You in Prison"

Yes, yes, yes.  I saw the exchange between the "retired farmer" and Joe Biden on a question about Biden's Ukraine scandals and involving his crackhead son, Hunter.

Old Joe, gritting his teeth, like he's going to have another aneurysm meltdown.  Practically challenging the farmer to naked pushups.

"Come on, tubby, let's see whose dick touches the ground first!!!"  

You know that's what old Joe was thinking.

Too bad the farmer didn't bring this sign:

Or maybe this sign:

Almost forgotten in the exchange was that the retired farmer admitted he was an Elizabeth Warren supporter and who said he would vote for crooked Biden if he were her veep.

That's how sad the Democrat party is.  Stockholm Syndrome.

"I'll vote for any criminal as long as they're a Democrat!"

All those clapping seals, brainwashed into thinking that Trump did something wrong, and that it merits impeachment, removal, and imprisonment.

The Iowa media?  It's like it didn't happen.  The Register printed some USA Today piece where most of the Facebook comments were anti-Biden.  I couldn't find it in the Gazette.

Meanwhile, here's everything we need to know about Joe Biden's corruption in the Ukraine, from Joe Biden's mouth:

The Iowa Media isn't interested in the truth.

If Biden was actually doing better in the fake polls, then the Register and the Gazette would be working overtime figuring out a way to doxx the old Elizabeth Warren-supporting farmer.

I'm sure Vanessa Miller, Adam Sullivan, Todd Dorman, Steven Gruber-Miller, Tyler Jett, and other members of the Fake Media Rapist Gangbang cabal would be digging up the old guy's tweets from 1972.  Interview some old relatives he's forgotten.  Highlight that speeding ticket he got in 1981.

Just give something, something I can use.

We have to protect Joe Biden's reputation until Hillary's coronation on July 16th in Milwaukee.

Aren't you glad you participated in those town halls and clapped like a seal for shitty politicians?

Second verse, same as the first:

"I'll vote for any criminal as long as they're a Democrat!"

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