Monday, December 2, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette's Thomas Friestad Advocates for Illegal Invaders and Retweets Aaron Calvin

Archive link:

There's the face of an Anti-American piece of shit, masquerading as a "journalist".

It's Thomas Friestad of the Cedar Rapids Gazette, who writes a one-sided article that completely takes the side of a bunch of illegal invaders from Central America who are living in Iowa.

Another "blame Donald Trump" for "separating families" bullshit article.

Nothing about how these people are here ILLEGALLY.

Just keep that smile on your face, Friestad.

A look into Friestad's Twitter feed shows the usual re-tweets of anti-Trump and anti-Republican bullshit.  Then I noticed this retweet from November 4th:

Yes, poor Aaron Calvin, the fired "reporter" from the Des Moines Register, who whines and lies in CJR (archive link) about his role in the trashing of Carson King.

Oh, isn't it terrible that Aaron Calvin got death threats?  No, it's not.  Because you wrote a horrible article that 99% of readers disagreed with, going by the comments in the Register at the time.  Fuck you, Aaron Calvin.

Calvin is a weasel and a liar about how that story went down.  He doesn't name the editor who wanted the background check.  He mentions nothing about Carol Hunter's role in approving the piece.  The Anheuser-Busch story is "re-told" as the beer company "withdrawing support" rather than what actually happened.

Other Cedar Rapids Gazette "reporters" failed to criticize the Register over the article, which means they stood in solidarity with The Register to publish it.  Gazette reporters agreed with how the Register handled it.  I'm sure the Gazette would love to trash people because of "old teenage tweets".

Except, of course, "old adult tweets" by the likes of Aaron Calvin.

Or calls on Facebook for violence against President Trump and genocide against all Christians by former Kirkwood professor Jeff Klinzman.  That's "free speech" according to the Gazette.

These newspapers deserve to be financially destroyed and to go out of business.

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