Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Why are "Queers" Always Unhappy?

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I've always been "gay friendly", but there's something extremely annoying about these Fuckin' Queers from Mount Vernon who wrote an opinion piece in the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

"Queers" demand that everybody accept them, their partners, all the shit they say, but if you're not using the "correct" personal pronouns then they're going to have a hissy fit and stomp off to the LGBQTI+?!@ B&B

When did lesbians start using the word "Queer" again?  For decades, that word was off-limits.

Is "faggot" coming back?  Maybe it is back?

Kind of like how self-hating black people don't mind being called "niggers", as long as you aren't white.

I would say that the best way to preserve family harmony during the holidays is to not invite pushy assholes who identify as "queer".  Let those annoying queers get together on their own.

Same thing goes with loudmouth Democrats who yell talking points like some idiot with Tourette's.

And the same thing goes for MAGA-hat wearing couples who insist on wearing their ball caps in the house and during their meal.

Don't invite troublemakers.

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