Saturday, December 14, 2019

Hillary Will Win the 2020 Iowa Caucus

Time to shave

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The Des Moines Register thinks there will be multiple winners of the 2020 Iowa Caucus.

Everybody will get a participation trophy!

In the future, around July 16th or so, we will look back and discover that the real winner of the 2020 Iowa Caucus is probably going to be Hillary Rotten Clinton.

Since nobody really wins the Iowa Caucus, and future primaries will likely be split numerous ways, then it's almost certain that Hillary will show up in Milwaukee in July and suggest a brokered convention.  Pundits will talk about how all the road-weary candidates lack a plurality among Democrats.  The media will go on and on about Hillary won the "popular vote" in 2016.  Hillary is so smart. 

It's Her Turn, AGAIN.

Why, crowning her as Queen Hillary of the Democrats is a masterful step that will energize the base and bring on board the usual bunch of bogus Trans-Republicans and Never Trumpers like Peggy Noonan, George Will, Jennifer Rubin, Ross Douthat, Ana Navarro, Bill Kristol, and the Cedar Rancid Gazette's Adam Sullivan.

It'll be easy for her.  Hillary has all the Super Delegates in line.

Most Democrats won't mind.  They're used to being abused.

Have you seen those "ANY FUNCTIONING ADULT 2020" signs around Iowa?  I have.  Those dumbfucks are happy to vote for a crook as long as they're a Democrat.

Perhaps it was the Grand Plan all along?  Kind of like how Hillary, in 2016, got Bernie on board to make her look "centrist", but even her people had to cheat to steal it from Bernie due to the base taking a leap to the Left.  Or she got drunk asshole Martin O'Malley on board to make her look sober and relatively sane.

For 2020, Hillary's plan was Divide and Conquer.  Hire about 20 loser Democrats, all with major problems, and bore the fuck out of everybody with endless debates.  Move that Overton Window so far left with "free health care for illegals" that Hillary can't look anything but "centrist".

You Democrats are suckers.  You're bigger dupes than the Republicans, who now look back at Mittens, Juan McVain, and the Bushies with contempt.

But they love them some Trump!  He hasn't failed them so far.

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