Thursday, May 28, 2020

Dr Maureen McCue is a Psychotic Cunt

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Dr Maureen McCue had a predictable opinion piece in the Iowa City Press Shitstain today, lying about President Trump and COVID, complaining that everything was opened too quickly, and changing the subject over to her usual topic:  climate psychosis.

This baby-murdering cunt has been cranking out the Hate-By-Numbers against non-Democrats for years.  Nothing new to see here.

I did notice that she is also employed as an adjunct clinical assistant professor in The University of Iowa Colleges of Public Health and Liberal Arts and Sciences, although she can't be doing much considering she only earns about $6750 a year.  No wonder she has to also work at the abortion clinic, although I suspect she likes killing babies.

But the College of Public Health is also where George Wehby works.  He's the fraud with the bullshit, designed for headlines "study" speculating on how many fewer COVID cases we could have had if Iowa had Martial Law.

It looks like Gannett and other media sources are turning on the lies.  Anything to try to alter the results of the November election.

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