Saturday, May 9, 2020

Governor Rekha Basu Would Never Reopen Iowa

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Rekha Basu, the America-hating, Jew-hating, Republican-hating, conservative-hating, Iowa-hating cunt who Gannett has tortured this state with for decades, came out with her opinion on how to open the State of Iowa up, and that would be never,

Can you imagine Rekha as governor?  She'd make Wretched Witless in Michigan look almost normal by comparison.  Rekha, the Wicked Witch of the East!

Rekha probably would:

  • Keep most businesses closed until they went bankrupt, even in remote areas with few cases.
  • Keep schools closed, but pay the teachers and administrators for doing nothing.
  • Not allow churches to reopen.  Ever.  Except the liberal churches.
  • Force everybody to wear a mask.
  • Force "social distancing" by law, even outside.
  • Create a Stasi-like bunch of snitches to forward complaints to the police.
  • Issue loads of dumb directives.
  • Destroy hospitals by not allowing them to see patients.
  • Force everybody to be tested.
  • Wait around until that fucking dirtbag Bill Gates wants to inoculate all Iowans with some shitty, bug-filled vaccine that will kill lots of people.
  • Try to confiscate all guns.
  • Try to now allow any protests over her insane orders.
  • Outlaw the use of HCQ
  • Try to throw all the COVID patients into nursing homes to kill more old people and continue the lockdown, like that corrupt piece of shit Andrew Cuomo ordered.
Whatever the libtards are doing in other states, Rekha would do the same.  Then try to make it even worse.

The point is to destroy the economy because you Jesus Freak Deplorables voted for Donald Trump.

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