Saturday, May 30, 2020

Tyler Davis, Des Moines Register "Reporter of Color", Reporting For Duty

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I had no idea that the Des Moines Register had hired a COLORED REPORTER.

When did this happen?

Hours of peaceful protests of the death of George Floyd in downtown Minneapolis on Thursday evening gave way to clashes between police and demonstrators, leading to a number of people being hit with chemical irritants.
I, a Des Moines Register reporter covering the aftermath of the death for the USA TODAY Network, was one of them. 
After speaking that afternoon with civil rights leaders and local black clergymen and minority business owners in looted stretches of St. Paul, I felt a nervous pride about being a reporter of color documenting what was sure to be a historic, intense, emotional night for Minneapolis, a city I lived in briefly as a boy.
Hey, boy!

Not only that, but Des Moines Gannett sent their COLORED REPORTER to the Minneapolis/St Paul area to cover the riots.

Why would the Des Moines Register send any reporter into a riot zone 250 miles away?

Especially a COLORED ONE.

Couldn't they send one of their freaky looking lesbo-dykes to St Paul?  Maybe they're not black enough.

Or Stephen Gruber-Miller could have pretended to go to Hennepin County and just phoned it in from his couch.  Gruber-Miller is good at making shit up.  He's a reliable liar and fraud.

Why do libtards like to treat COLORED REPORTERS as their personal pets?

Oh, there's a riot related to black people?  Let's send the COLORED REPORTER, and maybe he'll write some flowery prose and take a selfie with a stupid fucking diaper on his face.

Tyler was temporarily blinded by pepper spray?  That's what happens when you walk into riots.  Fucking pigs!  How dare they get in the way of TYLER DAVIS, COLORED REPORTER.

Does journalism have the equivalent of a Purple Heart? 

Does Gannett have "combat pay"?

This has been TYLER DAVIS, COLORED REPORTER.  Now, back to ewe.

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