Wednesday, May 27, 2020

HyVee is Endlessly Virtue Signaling with Mask Stupidity

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On Tueday, HyVee was giving away 75,000 "free" cloth masks, which do nothing to stop influenza much less a virus.

I don't even go into HyVee anymore after I saw those stupid "one way arrows" on the floor.  Fuck them.  A bunch of asshole Karens run HyVee these days.

Why do people feel the need to put a mask on before going into a grocery store?  It really does nothing.

Considering the way most people use and abuse masks, it's worse than useless since so many are filthy, people have a reduced oxygen supply, are getting headaches or hypoxia, and now getting "maskne" - a kind of acne caused by dirty mask wearing.

People can't even wear them correctly, not that they work.  They pull them down to talk.  Their nose is exposed.  They have their little "face diaper" hanging around their neck while in the car.  Oh, aren't we smart!

Cloth masks are the biggest bullshit, virtue signaling thing ever.

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