Tuesday, May 26, 2020

University of Iowa's George Wehby is a Tyranny-Motivated and Well-Paid Fraud

The University of Iowa's George Wehby (salary in 2019, $188,500) created that bogus "study"making the rounds in the Iowa drive-by media (archive link) that said a little more official tyranny from Gov Kim Reynolds would have resulted in 30% fewer cases.

What a load of made-up shit.  What a fucking fraud.  Can you believe we fund this smug motherfucker's lifestyle?

Wehby is the author or co-author of more than 130 publications, including "Effects of the Minimum Wage on Infant Health".  (I bet we can guess the ending of that book)

Wehby's bullshit about COVID-19 was perfectly designed for the Karens in the media to freak out over, and for a quick quote by the likes of Dr Austin "Hitlery Youth" Baeth, the Aryan-looking, wannabe lockdown proponent who is a Commie sympathizer.

Funny how these assholes don't bother to do any studies on the states whose Democrat governors forced COVID patients into nursing homes, which resulted in thousands of deaths.

I wonder how much of Wehby's work is nothing but leftist-motivated bullshit designed for their willing komrades in the corporate media.  Probably a lot of it.

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