Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Dr Austin Baeth Pushes A Phony Study About Lockdowns to the Stupid TV Media

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/riNne

Dr Austin Baeth, the "Hitler Youth"-looking Commie doctor from Des Moines, was so upset that Governor Reynolds didn't impose a "stay at home" order that he's pushing some bogus study from the University of Iowa that suggests Iowa could have had 30% fewer COVID cases if everybody had been forced to "cower in place" with endless Martial Law.

Let's not forget that Dr Mengele here has been to Africa and the Middle East, and surely he's taken hydroxychloroquine because he admitted in an old blog from a decade ago that he saw malaria patients while in Africa and any medical student or doc going to that part of the world would be taking anti-malaria medication.  But Baeth won't talk about that subject with the media because everybody has their narrative.

Let's call Dr Baeth what he is:  a partisan far-leftist.  A wannabe-tyrant.  An opportunist with the corporate media.  I wouldn't want this quack caring for any old people.  You can't trust any of these so-called "progressives" on the New Leaders Council.

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