Saturday, May 30, 2020

Rekha Basu and Ako Abdul-Samad Blame Whitey For East Village Violence

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Does anybody believe this bullshit column by Rekha Basu about Ako Abdul-Samad?

Remember:  everybody at the Des Moines Register lies.  Politicians lie, too.

Commies lie, also.  Rekha and Ako are both commies.

Look at old brain-damaged Ako, trying to blame the violence in the East Village on mostly some white guys.  He gets Iowa-hating, Jew-hating, White People-hating Rekha Basu to provide a narrative in the Paper of Record.

How convenient.

Ako says he knows a lot of the troublemakers in Des Moines, and it ain't them!

The cops had tanks!

It was almost like Ferguson again!

I hate to break it to the local media, but the Des Moines Police didn't kill George Floyd.  Sure, the Des Moines Police have done some fucked up things over the years, but you can't blame every cop because some of them are dirty or murderers. 

Just like you can't blame all reporters because they lie and make up shit about people.  Oh wait, all reporters today do that.  Never mind.

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