Sunday, July 5, 2020

Christine Nobiss is a Canadian Asshole

Christine Nobiss, who describes herself everywhere as a Plains Cree-Salteaux of the George Gordon First Nation in Saskatchewan, has been living in Iowa City the past decade or so, but now wants to tear down every monument to Iowa history because this asshole wants to "de-colonize everything" (Archive link).

I don't know whether Christine Nobiss is actually a Plains Cree something or other, which is a rather small tribe, but she felt like she had to get a Master's Degree in Native American Religious Studies from the University of Iowa.  Don't they offer that degree in Winnipeg where you grew up, Christine?

Wait a second.  Winnipeg is in Manitoba.  George Gordon First Nation is in Punnichy, Saskatchewan, about 365 miles away.

I'm not saying that she isn't who she claims to be, but somebody ought to look into it.  Being somebody who had a past ancestor crossing the Bering Strait land bridge 10,000 or so years ago doesn't make her hot shit or an authority over anybody else.

The oddest thing was Christine Nobiss showing up for an Elizabeth Warren event and being able to privately interview her.  (archive link)

If you're supposedly the real deal as far as being a Native American (Native Canadian?), then why would you pay attention to somebody who clearly faked her way up the ladder to the Harvard Faculty?  All you have to do is look at the Polly's Granddaughter site to determine that Elizabeth Warren is a phony.

I think a bigger question here is why is this invader from Canada telling Iowans what kind of monuments they should have? 

Like all the other interlopers who tend to end up in Iowa City and cause trouble, why are they so unhappy with Iowa?

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