Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Segregationist Wylliam Smith Has a Bunch of Demands of Iowa City

Segregationist and racist fucking asshole, Wylliam Smith

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/4asLm

Segregationist, untalented short film maker, and dick-sucking Marxist terrorist Wylliam Smith has a bunch of demands of Iowa City.

It's too bad that the Democrat politicians in Iowa City are bending over constantly to meet Smith's demands, but that's what happens when you elect libtards.

Not Peaceful Protests
They're going to do what they're going to do.  At least we don't have to live there, although it's sad to see that town be overrun by interloper, mentally ill assholes from Grand Rapids, Michigan who are there to only stir up trouble.

Akia Nyrie "Keki" Smith, Wylliam's angry "sister"

The Iowa City Press Citizen or the Des Moines Register, who had no problem digging into the background of UI Children's Hospital charity founder Carson King and finding a couple of dumb joke tweets years ago, isn't looking into the background of either of these terrorists.

About all we know is that Wylliam's sister, "drag persona Keki", is angry at the Iowa City School District because some teacher back in Grand Rapids wouldn't let her play Ramona Quimby in a play.

Maybe we should start looking into their backgrounds.

We know that Akia Nyrie went to Hope College, a small, Christian, liberal arts college in 4% black Holland, Michigan, where she won a few awards and a small Irene Ryan scholarship for acting.  Maybe she commuted the 35 miles to attend Hope, but tuition isn't cheap there.

Their mother, Alethia Leontyne Smith, born in 1968, doesn't seem to own a house in Grand Rapids.  From searches, it looks like the family lived in apartments or rental houses that were worth about $35,000.  No wonder Wylliam has sticker shock in Iowa City.

According to one record, Akia Nyrie Smith, born 1996, registered to vote when she lived at an address on Milwaukee Ave, but that was a few years ago.  It lists her voter ID number as 108589312.

Alethia is registered in Kent County (Grand Rapids).  Relatives possibly include Alesha Lindsey Garner, Lenaya Rashelle Smith,William Fredrick Smith, and Wylliam Arthur Smith.

Past addresses for Alethia possibly include places on Fuller Ave SE, Charles Ave, Linwood SE St, Sherman SE St, Plymouth SE Ave, and a couple of apartments on 32nd SE St.

I'm assuming William Fredrick Smith is the father.  That's a difficult name to search on. 

There's not much on Wylliam in high school.  He ran track.  He came to Iowa City to write, but only seems to have cranked out those award-winning columns in favor of segregation.

Same with Akia Nyrie.  She went to that college and was in plays, but there's been no prior uncovering of radical black segregationist activity or Marxist bullshit like BLM.

Let's keep an eye on all of them for the election.  They would be a good target to watch on the Iowa voter rolls and the Michigan voter rolls.  Make sure their family's names aren't registered here.  You know how these "activists" can be.  They like to cheat and lie because they're miserable psychopaths.

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