Friday, July 10, 2020

Iowa City Press-Citizen Editorial Board Are A Bunch of Liars and Thinks Blacks are Chumps

Left column: Shamika S. Harris, Kylah Hedding, John Macatee
Middle column:  Shams Ghoneim
Right column:  Bob Goodfellow, Dave Bright, Venise Berry

Archive link:

The amount of lies in the Iowa City Press Citizen Editorial Board opinion piece for July 9, 2020, headlined "Concrete steps UI, Iowa City and the state can take to make a difference on racial equality" is almost never ending.

It starts off with the usual stats:  black people don't earn as much as white people.  There are a higher percentage of black people in Iowa's prisons.

Did you bother to look into why those "black people" in the Iowa prison system?  They're not all pot smokers.

Then it goes into complaining about slavery, black codes, and the KKK, which were all promoted and encouraged by the Democrat Party.  I'm going to bet that all seven of these assholes are Democrats, or only vote Democrat.  What are you fucking asshole hypocrites going to do about the history of your racist Democratic Party?

The next section is the worst because everything in it is a lie because none of these incidents were racially motivated:

Waterloo police were not disciplined when one threw a 13-year-old girl to the ground because she would not give him her last name, and a fatal police shooting of an unarmed black man was settled for $2.5 million. Black Lives Matter protesters were attacked with tear gas and rubber bullets here in Iowa City. Statewide reports show police disproportionately stop black people for traffic stops.

The 13 year old girl incident was about a cop being stupid and escalating a matter that didn't need to be escalated.

Cops do dumb things all the time.  Kind of like ICPD Officer Jeffrey Gillespie illegally entering sculptor Eric Shaw's studio in late August 1996 and shooting him in the heart for being startled and holding a telephone

But Eric Shaw was white, so I guess that doesn't count.

There were no charges for the cop.  The county attorney at the time, Democrat J. Patrick White (Janet Lyness was the assistant county attorney then) wouldn't even convene a grand jury.  White was re-elected in 1998, unopposed, with 97% of the vote, so it looks like Johnson County Democrats were OK with cops entering a studio illegally for no reason other than Shaw left the back door propped open, and was killed because the officer was an idiot.

As far as the Waterloo police shooting an "unarmed black man" and settling for $2.5 million, I guess nobody read up on the incident involving Derrick Ambrose Jr (archive link)

Ambrose, a 22-year-old Waterloo resident, died Nov. 18, 2012, of gunshot wounds after running from police following a disturbance outside a nightclub.
According to a synopsis of findings released by the Black Hawk County Attorney’s Office following the grand jury session, Ambrose and his friends had been removed from the New World Lounge on Riehl Street following an argument. When an altercation started outside, Ambrose went to his car and obtained his 9mm Taurus pistol.
Law, who was in the area, saw the gathering and noticed Ambrose holding the handgun. The officer drew his own weapon and ordered Ambrose to drop his, and a pursuit ensued. Ambrose fled down a poorly lit street, according to the findings, and past a privacy fence where he apparently threw the Taurus.
Law didn’t notice Ambrose disposing of the weapon and continued the chase until Ambrose tripped and fell. Ambrose ignored Law’s commands to remain on the ground and started to rise. He turned toward Law, who thought he was about to be shot and fired two shots, according to the statement. Ambrose was struck in the rear right of the head and right leg and died at the scene.

That sure doesn't sound like the cop shot him for being "black".  It reads like the cop thought Ambrose still had the handgun after pursuing him.

What a bunch of fucking bullshit by the Iowa City Press Citizen Editorial Board.

The piece goes on in the usual mindless, unrelated directions of promoting "mail in voting" so Democrats can cheat.

Mazin Mohamedali, felon and criminal

What's missing from this opinion piece is how black criminals like Mazin Mohamedali are treated by the local justice system.

This asshole robs a Kum & Go with a knife, which is first degree robbery, but gets it plead down to second degree robbery, a Class C felony.  Despite the serious nature of the crime, Mohamedali is given 3 years of probation, which is a slap on the wrist.  He's been picked up numerous times since there on probation violations (drug charges).

Judge Deborah Farmer Minot

Then, when Mohamedali caused destruction and vandalism around Iowa City and was arrested and charged with numerous misdemeanors and a felony, Judge Deborah Farmer Minot dismissed everything but a very minor charge.

And Mohamedali, as part of the "Iowa Freedom Riders" terrorists, get lots of attention by the media and the local dumbass Democrat politicians, but they don't look into Mohamedali's background the way that the Des Moines Register looked into and trashed Carson King.

I don't know anybody who wasn't sickened by the George Floyd video, but what came after it is beyond insane.  All this destruction.  Looting.  Fires.  Vandalism.  Increased crime.  Little black kids being shot.

Nobody rioted when Eric Shaw was senselessly killed.

Oh, I know what you're going to say:  the history of black people and oppression, "systemic racism", etc etc.

Sorry, I'm not going to listen to you chumps anymore.

You keep voting for the racist party, the Democrats.  The party of slavery and Jim Crow.  In all those big cities.  And you wonder why the cops act like they do.  They get away with shit all the time.  You don't want to reform.  You want to de-fund, whatever that means.  You wouldn't even think about voting for anybody but the Democrat put in front of you.  Because you're a chump.

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