Tuesday, July 7, 2020

If America Is So Racist, Why Are There So Many Race Hoaxes?

Archive link:  http://archive.vn/rIKrP

Dennis Prager has an article at Townhall.com titled "If America Is So Racist, Why Are There So Many Race Hoaxes?" that deserves your attention.  He only scratches the surface of all the hoaxes in the past few years.

Why are there so many race hoaxes? 

The Democrats in the media report these hoaxes like they're real, and then are surprised when they turn out to be hoaxes.

And if you're in a deep blue part of the country that's completely controlled by Lefty Democrats, they will refuse to prosecute the hoaxes, or slap them on the wrist.  This encourages more hoaxes.  Democrats want "race problems" in the news because Democrats are a bunch of fucking asshole racists and racialists.  Anything to trash "white people" or "Republicans" or "Conservatives" or "Trump supporters" who didn't do it.

Iowa has had a lot of these hoaxes in recent years.  Here are some examples that this blog often mentions.

Lujayn and Raneem Hamad, a couple of Lefty Activist high school students in 2016, crafted a "hate note" hoax in Iowa City right after the Presidential election.  The girls had other questionable stories and placements in the media around the same time, likely a CAIR operation.  The local media dutifully went along, as did the Iowa City Police Department.  Any gumshoe could have figured out this was a hoax in 5 minutes.  These two losers from Sudan, who lived in a Habitat for Humanity house are now going to NYU and Columbia on somebody's dime, and are studying to be Professional Socialist Justice America Haters.

Marcus Owens, also in 2016 and also in Iowa City, got drunk and started a fight, but claimed to be racially attacked.  You should read how the Des Moines Register reported on this incident before and after it was revealed to be a hoax.

There are many more.  The media reports before and after the Tarsha Michelle Claiborne incident in 2000 at the University of Iowa read similar to the Marcus Owens incident.

Iowa State University had "racist chalkings" that were definitely hoaxes.  All those cameras on campus and nothing was captured?  But it must have been NEO-NAZIS doing it!

We'll see a lot more race hoaxes in deep blue Democrat areas in the next few months.  Count on it.

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