Saturday, July 18, 2020

Segregationist Wylliam Smith Shits All Over Dr Martin Luther King's Speech

Starting now, this blog will refer to segregationist Wylliam Smith as Segregationist Wylliam Smith.

Segregationist Wylliam Smith is a segregationist.  He wrote columns advocating for segregation at the University of Iowa while he was at the Daily Iowan.  He won awards from the Associated Press for it.  Nobody condemned it.

If the Democrat politicians in Iowa City area going to listen to Segregationist Wylliam Smith and his mentally ill "drag queen persona" sister Akia Nyrie Smith, then it's safe to assume that the Democrats have decided that shitting on Dr Martin Luther King and regressing to the party's principle of advocating for enslavement and segregation is the way forward.

Some of those demands include judging black students who misbehave and black criminals who get arrested solely on the basis of the color of their skin.

That's segregation.

That's actual RACISM.

We propose that if the City of Iowa City is going to listen to Segregationist Wylliam Smith and the other terrorists, that the City of Iowa and the Iowa City Community School District should abolish any observances of the Dr Martin Luther King Jr Federal Holiday and any activities normally associated with it.

Because it's clear to us that the Democrats in Iowa City favor segregation.

Democrat voters, especially black Democrat voters, are chumps:

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