Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Unintended Consequences of the Illegal Mask Mandates by Iowa Democrats

A reader from Iowa City writes (edited):

I love your blog.

I don't know where you are, but for the past few months if you wanted to go to Menard's in Iowa City or Costco in Coralville you had to wear a mask.  Recently, Walmart, Target, CVS, and other companies announced mask policies.  I don't know if they provide exemptions.  I searched but just found news stories that were vague on details.

If a store didn't previous provide exemptions, then Mayor Teague's order, although illegal, spells out the exemptions.  Johnson County, as you noted, is going to pass the same thing.  I expect many other cities and counties run by Democrats to do the same thing.  If Johnson County passes it, then people can go into Costco or Menard's without a mask based on the exemptions int the mayor's order.

This morning I stopped inside a Casey's to get a coffee and a long john and I wasn't wearing a mask.  I got called out, but showed them the paper indicating exemptions and they were cool about it.  When I got home, I called some small businesses that I shop at in Iowa City and asked about how they're handling this.  Every single one of them said they don't want to play mask police and have instructed their employees to not bother people who enter without a mask.  I didn't call Menard's or Walmart but I don't shop there.  Too much chinese made shit.

The past few months I have avoided most businesses in Iowa City, especially when the riots were going on.  I don't like getting the evil eye from other people.  There's a lot of that going on.  Anybody with half a brain knows it's politically motivated.  I do laugh at all the dipshits running or bicycling or walking their dog on the sidewalk while wearing a mask.  The other day I saw a lady in a subaru with her windows down, giant dogs sticking their heads out the window and sunroof, and she's wearing a mask.  They are all psychotic.

The good thing about an illegal mask order is that it does provide exemptions.  I do worry about them attempting a lockdown again.  You know how Democrats are, especially the Commie wing.  They can never have enough power.  They hate Kim Reynolds.  They hate Trump.  I want Trump to win again, but I bet if he wins there will be riots again in places like Iowa City.  I also bet if Biden wins the same people will riot anyway.  They love to riot.

Keep it up, brother!

Wal-Mart provides an exemption (archive link)

You make a great point.

One thing Democrats are good at is making completely worthless legislation, legal or illegal.

My fear is that people who don't understand the exemption won't got out because of fear, or you'll get those real activist anti-maskers who throw a tantrum on-camera. 

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