Sunday, May 31, 2020

Who The Hell is Malcolm Quan?

Archive from the Des Moines Register:

4:15 p.m.: About two dozen protesters were gathered outside the store. The Target closed when about five protesters had gathered, said Malcolm Quan, 23, who maintained a steady narration for a livestream, alternating between welcoming new protesters to the group in front of the Merle Hay Mall Target and leading chants over the sound of mall employees screwing boards onto the store’s windows. 
“It’s about time for us to stand up and be heard,” Quan said. 

6:21 p.m.: Register reporter Katie Akin asked Malcolm Quan (who has led many of the chants today) if he expected the protest to end by the new 9 p.m. curfew. “We’re trying to be heard," Quan replied, "so whatever’s going to get us heard, that’s what we’re gonna do.”

Who the hell is Malcolm Quan?

He's not easily identifiable in Google, other than in the Register's story.

He's not in the Iowa Court Search archives.

Twitter?  Facebook?  YouTube?  Can't find him.

Which livestream, Katie Akin?  Facebook?

Do you know anything, Andrea Sahouri?

Who set this up?

The Des Moines Register Doesn't Know The Word "RIOT"

When "protesters" are "looting" or breaking windows, they're not "protesting" anymore.

They're RIOTING.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Tyler Davis, Des Moines Register "Reporter of Color", Reporting For Duty

Archive link:

I had no idea that the Des Moines Register had hired a COLORED REPORTER.

When did this happen?

Hours of peaceful protests of the death of George Floyd in downtown Minneapolis on Thursday evening gave way to clashes between police and demonstrators, leading to a number of people being hit with chemical irritants.
I, a Des Moines Register reporter covering the aftermath of the death for the USA TODAY Network, was one of them. 
After speaking that afternoon with civil rights leaders and local black clergymen and minority business owners in looted stretches of St. Paul, I felt a nervous pride about being a reporter of color documenting what was sure to be a historic, intense, emotional night for Minneapolis, a city I lived in briefly as a boy.
Hey, boy!

Not only that, but Des Moines Gannett sent their COLORED REPORTER to the Minneapolis/St Paul area to cover the riots.

Why would the Des Moines Register send any reporter into a riot zone 250 miles away?

Especially a COLORED ONE.

Couldn't they send one of their freaky looking lesbo-dykes to St Paul?  Maybe they're not black enough.

Or Stephen Gruber-Miller could have pretended to go to Hennepin County and just phoned it in from his couch.  Gruber-Miller is good at making shit up.  He's a reliable liar and fraud.

Why do libtards like to treat COLORED REPORTERS as their personal pets?

Oh, there's a riot related to black people?  Let's send the COLORED REPORTER, and maybe he'll write some flowery prose and take a selfie with a stupid fucking diaper on his face.

Tyler was temporarily blinded by pepper spray?  That's what happens when you walk into riots.  Fucking pigs!  How dare they get in the way of TYLER DAVIS, COLORED REPORTER.

Does journalism have the equivalent of a Purple Heart? 

Does Gannett have "combat pay"?

This has been TYLER DAVIS, COLORED REPORTER.  Now, back to ewe.

Rekha Basu and Ako Abdul-Samad Blame Whitey For East Village Violence

Archive link:

Does anybody believe this bullshit column by Rekha Basu about Ako Abdul-Samad?

Remember:  everybody at the Des Moines Register lies.  Politicians lie, too.

Commies lie, also.  Rekha and Ako are both commies.

Look at old brain-damaged Ako, trying to blame the violence in the East Village on mostly some white guys.  He gets Iowa-hating, Jew-hating, White People-hating Rekha Basu to provide a narrative in the Paper of Record.

How convenient.

Ako says he knows a lot of the troublemakers in Des Moines, and it ain't them!

The cops had tanks!

It was almost like Ferguson again!

I hate to break it to the local media, but the Des Moines Police didn't kill George Floyd.  Sure, the Des Moines Police have done some fucked up things over the years, but you can't blame every cop because some of them are dirty or murderers. 

Just like you can't blame all reporters because they lie and make up shit about people.  Oh wait, all reporters today do that.  Never mind.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Dr Maureen McCue is a Psychotic Cunt

Archive link:

Dr Maureen McCue had a predictable opinion piece in the Iowa City Press Shitstain today, lying about President Trump and COVID, complaining that everything was opened too quickly, and changing the subject over to her usual topic:  climate psychosis.

This baby-murdering cunt has been cranking out the Hate-By-Numbers against non-Democrats for years.  Nothing new to see here.

I did notice that she is also employed as an adjunct clinical assistant professor in The University of Iowa Colleges of Public Health and Liberal Arts and Sciences, although she can't be doing much considering she only earns about $6750 a year.  No wonder she has to also work at the abortion clinic, although I suspect she likes killing babies.

But the College of Public Health is also where George Wehby works.  He's the fraud with the bullshit, designed for headlines "study" speculating on how many fewer COVID cases we could have had if Iowa had Martial Law.

It looks like Gannett and other media sources are turning on the lies.  Anything to try to alter the results of the November election.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

HyVee is Endlessly Virtue Signaling with Mask Stupidity

Story archive link:

On Tueday, HyVee was giving away 75,000 "free" cloth masks, which do nothing to stop influenza much less a virus.

I don't even go into HyVee anymore after I saw those stupid "one way arrows" on the floor.  Fuck them.  A bunch of asshole Karens run HyVee these days.

Why do people feel the need to put a mask on before going into a grocery store?  It really does nothing.

Considering the way most people use and abuse masks, it's worse than useless since so many are filthy, people have a reduced oxygen supply, are getting headaches or hypoxia, and now getting "maskne" - a kind of acne caused by dirty mask wearing.

People can't even wear them correctly, not that they work.  They pull them down to talk.  Their nose is exposed.  They have their little "face diaper" hanging around their neck while in the car.  Oh, aren't we smart!

Cloth masks are the biggest bullshit, virtue signaling thing ever.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

University of Iowa's George Wehby is a Tyranny-Motivated and Well-Paid Fraud

The University of Iowa's George Wehby (salary in 2019, $188,500) created that bogus "study"making the rounds in the Iowa drive-by media (archive link) that said a little more official tyranny from Gov Kim Reynolds would have resulted in 30% fewer cases.

What a load of made-up shit.  What a fucking fraud.  Can you believe we fund this smug motherfucker's lifestyle?

Wehby is the author or co-author of more than 130 publications, including "Effects of the Minimum Wage on Infant Health".  (I bet we can guess the ending of that book)

Wehby's bullshit about COVID-19 was perfectly designed for the Karens in the media to freak out over, and for a quick quote by the likes of Dr Austin "Hitlery Youth" Baeth, the Aryan-looking, wannabe lockdown proponent who is a Commie sympathizer.

Funny how these assholes don't bother to do any studies on the states whose Democrat governors forced COVID patients into nursing homes, which resulted in thousands of deaths.

I wonder how much of Wehby's work is nothing but leftist-motivated bullshit designed for their willing komrades in the corporate media.  Probably a lot of it.

Dr Austin Baeth Pushes A Phony Study About Lockdowns to the Stupid TV Media

Archive link:

Dr Austin Baeth, the "Hitler Youth"-looking Commie doctor from Des Moines, was so upset that Governor Reynolds didn't impose a "stay at home" order that he's pushing some bogus study from the University of Iowa that suggests Iowa could have had 30% fewer COVID cases if everybody had been forced to "cower in place" with endless Martial Law.

Let's not forget that Dr Mengele here has been to Africa and the Middle East, and surely he's taken hydroxychloroquine because he admitted in an old blog from a decade ago that he saw malaria patients while in Africa and any medical student or doc going to that part of the world would be taking anti-malaria medication.  But Baeth won't talk about that subject with the media because everybody has their narrative.

Let's call Dr Baeth what he is:  a partisan far-leftist.  A wannabe-tyrant.  An opportunist with the corporate media.  I wouldn't want this quack caring for any old people.  You can't trust any of these so-called "progressives" on the New Leaders Council.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Governor Rekha Basu Would Never Reopen Iowa

Archive link:

Rekha Basu, the America-hating, Jew-hating, Republican-hating, conservative-hating, Iowa-hating cunt who Gannett has tortured this state with for decades, came out with her opinion on how to open the State of Iowa up, and that would be never,

Can you imagine Rekha as governor?  She'd make Wretched Witless in Michigan look almost normal by comparison.  Rekha, the Wicked Witch of the East!

Rekha probably would:

  • Keep most businesses closed until they went bankrupt, even in remote areas with few cases.
  • Keep schools closed, but pay the teachers and administrators for doing nothing.
  • Not allow churches to reopen.  Ever.  Except the liberal churches.
  • Force everybody to wear a mask.
  • Force "social distancing" by law, even outside.
  • Create a Stasi-like bunch of snitches to forward complaints to the police.
  • Issue loads of dumb directives.
  • Destroy hospitals by not allowing them to see patients.
  • Force everybody to be tested.
  • Wait around until that fucking dirtbag Bill Gates wants to inoculate all Iowans with some shitty, bug-filled vaccine that will kill lots of people.
  • Try to confiscate all guns.
  • Try to now allow any protests over her insane orders.
  • Outlaw the use of HCQ
  • Try to throw all the COVID patients into nursing homes to kill more old people and continue the lockdown, like that corrupt piece of shit Andrew Cuomo ordered.
Whatever the libtards are doing in other states, Rekha would do the same.  Then try to make it even worse.

The point is to destroy the economy because you Jesus Freak Deplorables voted for Donald Trump.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

ISU's David Swenson is a Wannabe Fascist Asshole

Archive link:

ISU's David Swenson is an associate "scientist" in the Department of Economics at Iowa State University.

I'm not sure what crackerjack box Swenson got his degree in.  Maybe the same one that AOC got her bullshit "economics" degree in.

Swenson signed a letter with hundreds of other wannabe fascist assholes, asking that the heads of the lamestream media halt live coverage of President Trump's COVID-19 briefings.

I bet this clown has serious Trump Derangement Syndrome. 

Probably can't wait to vote for actual rapist Joe Biden.

Probably voted for wife of actual rapist Bill Clinton in 2016.