Friday, September 27, 2019

We Hear You, Carol Hunter, Stop "News-Plaining" and Just Quit

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No wonder the Register is such a shit newspaper and staffed by assholes.

Look who is in charge:  Carol Hunter (CUNTER)

Here are some comments from her "we're being transparent" bullshit from yesterday:

Of course he held a press conference to get in front of his remarks because he knew DRM was going to publish those remarks. He wanted it to come from him. I just do not understand why??

All you needed to say is... We are sorry, we made a bad decision, we learned and we are not doing that again. So simple and easy! But when you don’t say that and instead all this other garbage you have accomplished -NOTHING!!!!

Still not taking any responsibility huh? Here is what you don't understand: we get that background checks are necessary. We don't see why that consisted of going back 8 years! Anything from before he was an adult is irrelevant. You can't claim that he made his press conference before you had decided what you were going to do. He's not stupid and neither are we, you were (and did) put that info in your article. Of course he had no choice but to preemptively apologize for the tweets. As legitimate reporter Keith Murphy informed us, Anheuser-Busch called Carson a little after 2pm in the afternoon to say they were distancing themselves from him. The ONLY way they could have known at that point is if YOU GUYS had told them. YOU TOLD ANHEUSER-BUSH, not Carson. So when you talk about the "timeline" you forget to mention that little tidbit!!!

I cancelled my online subscription and reading this confirmed my decision. How did Busch learn about the tweets if not from the racist register employee? You originally said you though reporting on it was for the public good. The good was what King and the donors to his fund. The only thing that was not in the public good was what the register and Busch did. Any who made you the decider of what is the public good. This is why no one trust the media anymore and you are losing subscribers.

Omg, so lame. You basically just repeated what you said initially. No apology. No remorse. YOU are the reason Busch cut ties with Carson. YOU.

This is not an apology. Are using the same ineffective excuses as before. The two tweets of questionable judgement had NOTHING to do with the story at hand. You know the decision to include it in the story was not right, I know it was not right, and Iowans are showing you that THEY know it's not right. The timing here is far too convenient to be coincidental.

The media is a piece is crap entity of self serving hypocrisy. Your “explanation” means nothing. You have tainted the greatest public act of charity this state has ever seen, and you should be ashamed of yourself to your GRAVE!! I’ll never invest in your publication, never support your opinions, and never endorse your cause. 
This was a hit piece. Your editor is responsible, your journalist is at fault, and your demise as a source of media is welcomed my millions across the nation.

All that explaining and still no apology. You should be the next one fired.

Weak, patronizing, underwhelming response. This is what you came up with after the past 48 hours. Wow. We aren't idiots, we understand how research works. What no one understands is why you decided to smear CARSON when we all donated to the HOSPITAL. Bad form. Full apology is required and absolutely appropriate.

Those tweets weren't pertinent to the story anyway. You said you go back to make sure he's not a found out he wasn't. But then you spew this from when he was just a kid. Bush likely SPONSORED and advertised on Tosh.0! NO wonder teen suicide rates are up. If they make even the slightest mistake it will follow them for life - what did you think would happen with your reporting? Shedding light on a scammer? No, you just DESTROYED this great story to trash someone.

They were still okay with what the reporter did and I doubt he would have been fired if there wasn't so much outrage. I should feel bad because I can't say I was the same person 10 years ago, but the reporter brought it on himself for trying to turn something good into something ugly. Don't any newspapers have competent editors?

They were still okay with what the reporter did and I doubt he would have been fired if there wasn't so much outrage. I should feel bad because I can't say I was the same person 10 years ago, but the reporter brought it on himself for trying to turn something good into something ugly. Don't any newspapers have competent editors?

They were still okay with what the reporter did and I doubt he would have been fired if there wasn't so much outrage. I should feel bad because I can't say I was the same person 10 years ago, but the reporter brought it on himself for trying to turn something good into something ugly. Don't any newspapers have competent editors?

No one believes you. You let stuff slide when your own man did it, while ruining strangers for things they said online underage. Your claim amounts to "we just didn't notice our guy also said bad things." Who did you expect to be convinced by that?

My favorite part is "the story shifted" as if your team had nothing to do with it. It was the unearthing of these old tweets that forced King into holding the press conference in the first place.  You guys were responsible for that. And until you admit it, I'm afraid you're going to have to keep learning this lesson the hard way.

The Des Moines Register 
Liar. You should be ashamed of what you have done. Rotten, disposable people. I hope your paper goes broke for all the malicious actions you have taken against this man.

"...The timeline gets complicated here..." No, it doesn't. You're a reporter, Carol, and you need to explicitly nail down that timeline for readers. This feels like so much obfuscation that you invite more scrutiny. You "discussed at length...", sure, but you avoid admitting that you made a bad editorial decision that led to your subject preemtively holding a press conference. We should hope you're super "focused" on the way you background subjects in a story from now on. This response is very light on the "Here's what we are doing about it..." promise. This was a bad policy, you need to admit that, change it immediately, or you should be replaced with somebody who can.

Carson King apologizing BEFORE..speaks to HIS character ...NOT yours. You're firing someone for their underling. But the editorial board still chose to run with what you say..."complete story"...? really?

What a bunch of crap. The Des Moines Register set out to destroy a person just to sell copies of its newspaper. That Carson King talked to news stations first is irrelevant. He got in front of the story because the Des Moines register made it clear they were going to attack him.

The people of Des Moines deserve a newspaper, but not like this. Fire the lot of them and bring in an entirely new staff. One that can deliver the news without attacking innocents.

This is hysterical. Not only did they just insult everyone with “news-plaining” what they already stared previously, which in my opinion is a turd excuse. They also just hit all of Iowa with a “sorry not sorry” response. They can’t be serious.

So you fired the guy, but that doesn't make it right. You let it happen in the first place. You should have thought this kid did this when he was a punk, and bringing it up only to sell papers. You could have let it go, but didn't so to "make things right" you fired Mr. Calvin. But you didn't make it right. You needed to retain him, and put him on probation and make a better paragraph stacker. Do you feel big? I still am not renewing my paper because you publish old stuff, not like the paper I remembered.

Please get off of your high horse. You blew this. You shared this yound man's good work and then you ate him. This is what this newspaper has always done.

Carol Hunter, I thought your original post trying to justify bringing up the posts of a sixteen-year-old, eight years later, were the lamest thing I'd ever read. But your latest excuses exceed even that. If you don't have the dignity to resign, you should be summarily fired, and never work in journalism again.

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