Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cedar Rapids Gazette Columnist Todd Dorman Defends Steve King

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Is there a more boring columnist in the Iowa Corporate Media than the Cedar Rapids Gazette's Todd Dorman?

What the fuck does Dorman do all day long to justify being employed?

Over the past couple of decades, he went from being a slightly sarcastic guy who covered the Statehouse in a respectable bipartisan way to being a neutered loser who has been phoning it in to keep in the good graces of the radical leftist nujobs and fake conservatives who took over the Cedar Rancid Gazette.

Maybe he likes being a beta?  Maybe he has nowhere else to go.

If I ran a newspaper, I would consider hiring Dorman, but only if the Dorman of yore showed up.

I'd give him a sex test.  He's either tucking it back or cut it off years ago.

Can you imagine being tasked to write a profile on Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Bennett?


The Colorado Senator.



The Colorado Senator whose brother is James Bennett, who is just another fucking asshole fake newser who is an Editorial Editor at the New York Slimes.

I will say this about Dorman.  At least he stood up to defend Steve King.  Maybe not Steve King himself, but the way Steve King's district is drawn, which is not in any way, shape, or form "gerrymandered" as Michael Bennett thought.

Has anybody drug tested Michael Bennett lately?  I wonder if he's been smoking from Katie Hill's bong.

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