Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Des Moines Register's Tyler Jett Keeps Slurring Carson King as a "Racist"

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The Des Moines Register's Tyler Jett can't stop slurring Carson King as a "racist".

Neither can executive editor Carol "Cunter" Hunter.


Today's entry in the never-ending trashing of Carson King comes in the form of a hit piece against former RAGBRAI organizer T.J. Juskiewicz. 

It's a wannbe hit piece.  Juskiewicz openly mentions that he had told multiple bosses at the Register about what he was doing.

Juskiewicz's statement about all the various bosses he had, and their locations around the US, demonstrate what an incredibly messy and toxic environment the Register / Gannett had become.

9 paragraphs into the story is this:
In a statement posted Oct. 14 to RAGBRAI's social media accounts, Juskiewicz said he was splitting with RAGBRAI over the Register's coverage of racist tweets that Carson King, an Iowa State University football fan who raised about $3 million for the University of Iowa's children's hospital, wrote as a high school student.
Carol Hunter is such a vindictive cunt.

Cunter and the rest of the fucking asshole "journalists" around Iowa are always going to remind you that Carson King was a "racist", even though he's not.

They've dug the hole and they're not moving.

They refuse to acknowledge that Aaron Calvin's hit piece on Carson King was wrong and ethically fucked up.  Nearly 100% of people commenting hated what the Register did.  There was no need to prowl around Twitter and "expose" stupid teenage tweets lacking context.  All that was beyond the scope of what Carson King did by starting that Children's Hospital charity.  There was no need to tattle to Anheuser-Busch behind King's back.  There's no need to strut around acting like a big shot because you tried to ruin somebody who did a good thing for sick kids.

Today's "journalists" are scumbags.  They all have less integrity and ethics than child molesters.

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